Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Sebastian's Update and Other Stuff

Last week Sebastian had a routine kidney ultrasound, and we were hoping for some good news: improvement. He also had a routine check on a specimen to determine the status of his colon, due to the infection he had several weeks ago. Today, I recieved a call from his doctor. I was anxious of course, as I ended up playing phone tag throughout the day before I could get the exact news. His kidney diagnosis: remains the same as before. Oh, it was like my stomach ached, at the news. No improvement that we could see, at least. We will still conitue to pray that his hydronephrosis will not cause any more infections of his urniary tract. His colon status also remains the same, positive for the bad bacteria, that we had hoped to get rid of. So I am contiuning a probiotic in his bottle daily, to help. He isn't complaining and he conitues to play happily, so we aren't going to worry, and we will routinely check him again in two weeks. In the meantime, we wait to hear from the big hospital in our "area" (Sebastian's pediatric GI group) So, please pray away for us, as and when you pray.

State testing is finished! Time to submit them in, and wait for results! The kids hopefully have done well.

We have taken a trip to the library to beat the heat for the day. Elizabeth made me laugh a little when she found this cute little "Farm Animals" board book, (the same one Mary had to check out a million time as a preschooler) and the look on her face was of pure excitement, and true joy. So, I conceded to check it out for her. Round two, I just foresee this book getting checked out again a million more times, haha! You just know how precious and adorable little farm animals are!

I have some food for thought for you. . . On Sunday, in our church's bulletin, Father had made a statement that we can look to animals at times to see how we as humans should behave and treat each other. It was an interesting thought, but it makes sense. It reminds me of the Wolf of Gubbio and how Saint Francis thought to treat and guide the Wolf as to make the townspeople less fearful of him, and actually change their thoughts and ideas about him. (The Wolf). What a concept. This brings me back to the old saying, "Treat others the way you wish to be treated." I have been having a difficult time in trying to reimplement this idea even within the walls of my home considering all the trials and stresses lately, and how much more irritable we have all become. Poor Nathan, especially for him, it is hard since he just wants his old life back, he cant help but to think less about others and more of himself. I pray God help him to see outward of himself during these times. What a way to learn an important lesson, heh? We all need to remember that exact thing. It's so hard to see others when something is happening to or within us. But we all need to try. We all focus inward during times of struggle and trail. Think about Jesus in His precious trials of His Passion and The Cross. Empty out to Him, unite with Him your struggles, instead of pouring them inward to ourselves. Take up your cross in joy! Pray for the Grace!

photo  artislife.blogspot.com

                                                       paintings of kids with animals :)

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