Sunday, November 28, 2010

Invoking the Holy Spirit in a time of Anger

So, for anyone like me, who may happen to have something of a temper. . . . This aught to be a good one.   What the HECK do you do when you are sooooooo ANGRY, and you KNOW you should be asking God to help in your present time of need, and like a stubborn child (oh!) you just dont want to, because you WANT to be ANGRY because it just feels so good!?!?  Well. . . .
Over the last couple of days, I have had some issues brewing a little, and today, yep, you guessed it, the teapot hit its siren of a noise. (shakes head).  Yep.  I know that I am not the only one who goes through this, and dont pretend you dont either.  Take a deep breath, and count to. . . . . . . 1, 000?  (that aught to be a long enough time for me, wouldn' t you say?)  sigh. 

I have come to notice that even in a time where I KNOW I am slipping away from my "holi-pad" of safety, or my "holi-bubble", or my holi-"nest", rather. . . giving into the temptations that surround me literally (why did it have to be SUNDAY?)  that time seems to stop.  It's like the cartoons that have the devil on one shoulder, and the sweet, patient, loving angel that does NOT want to get out for revenge, on the other.  WELL.  Ain't that just your luck?   At that moment, I hear the Lord reminding me to SLOOOOOOW down.  (What?  NOW?)  Yes.  He tells me I can choose.  And that He knows if I ask, and take the time to pray for a minute. . . . (just do it, right?)  That I will choose rightly.  BUT, as soon as the Holy Spirit speaks, the Other One comes right at it.  Right?  Telling me NOT to think about it right now, but you can say your sorry later, and just let it out. . . .you know you need to let it out, BBEEEEE angry, and let go.  (crap.  Grrr!)  Here, it comes, "just get what you want out, and do what you want to do-NOW."  ( I hate that temptation!)  Right at the time when I have made things right, and he wants to mess it up again!!!!  How quick we are to let the sabotager RIGHT back in.  I wouldnt dare let someone in my house who would ransack it (um, kids dont count in this one, haha), so why can we sometimes let the one most important thing become jeopardized by letting the SAME destructor IN-time and time again?!!?  Into our SOUL?  I believe the most damage that can happen there, is reflected on the outside. 

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Ok, so we are on a Mission from God, right?

Yes, we are.  Even if you aren't a Christian, or even if you have been cradled in the care of parents who have a love for God, we are all on a mission.  Do you know what it is?  Your mission?  Exactly?  Probably not.  Some of us may not even have a C-L-U-E.  But we are.  Every breath that we take, every blink of our eye, every bit of the outside world that we see, and soak in as a beauty, appreciation, whatever. . . .  We have a calling from our Creator to do good in His name for the Glory of God, and to bring happiness and His Fulfilling Joy into the lives of all people.  As a homeschooling mom with six children, leaving a fascinating job to do all these things, I see now, that God provides, expecting us to leave everything, and follow His Provision, following Him.  Just beginning this outreach, and to other moms who may be looking for a chance to breathe "out of the norm", of everyday life, of course, I am asking too, that you will keep all of us who are trying to stay on a path of Holy Motherhood, in your prayers.  For Mothers are the makings of tomorrows Soldiers.  Is it so important.