Monday, December 6, 2010

How am I preparing for Jesus' Coming/Christmas?

Just a "Little SomeONE" to think about. . .

Yesterday at Church, there I heard from the Gospel of St. Matthew.  It was about John the Baptist proclaiming of the coming of Jesus.  Relevant to now, as well, as we prepare for Christmas.

The points I gathered  were along the lines of how John might question us, now days.  How would he  see us and what would he say to us?  As he was so ever zealous of the Lord.   A couple of things come to mind that I  began thinking about.  Are we that call ourselves Followers of Christ upholding His teachings?  That is the big one.  All included would be what follows.

Matthew 3:3    . . . . "For this is he who was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah when he said, "The voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare the way of the LORD, make straight His Paths. . . . "  

Ask yourself these things as you prepare for Christmas.  I am doing the same.  And in that, is your body a temple He can sanctify?  A place He can come right in and work and dwell?  Is His path that leads to your heart straight and just? Ask yourself these things:

Am I a "Sunday" Catholic/Sunday Christian? Or a "Weekly" Catholic/Christian?
Am I able to hold back when in the midst of something that upsets me?
Am I  a peacemaker?
Am I a lover of Life?  (And Uppercased for this reason : He is the Life, and the Life where it begins is also a chosen will from God).
Do I protect life?  (He said the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these-the children, and yes.  It includes the blob of cells He starts with)
Am  I completely surrendering ALL to Him?  thoughts?   time?   hurts?   happiness?  Children?  Husband?   family?   Actions?   money?
What about kindness?  AmI kind to all?  Or do we prejudge?   To we evaluate the situations of others whether they are in need or not?
Do we live out the Corporal Works of Mercy?  (Clothe the naked, feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, etc)
Do you tell your family you love them each day?  And show it?
Are we a quiet believer, or do we speak the truth when God opens the opportunity?
How can I better Love in the World of turmoil, disaster, war, and economic tradgedies?
How do we respond to the gender-issue among people?
How well do we participate in our Government? (voting, etc, and with our morals in mind)
Do I only choose to practice only what makes sense and what I only understand?  Or am I a believer even when I dont understand things still?  Do I have Faith?
Do I care for the elderly in my community?
What do I do for the YOUTH?  Am I an example of Truth to them to learn from?
Do I act as I am part of The Body of Christ?
Do I forgive?
Am I a vessel that bears fruit?
Am I faithful to God's Laws?

OOOKAY.  So getting ahead of myself, I realize, and you may as well by this point, recognize that preparing straight His Paths, requires a true examination of conscience.    For us to be able to receive Jesus this Christmas season, we have to have a worthy PLACE for Him to stay.  Is our Temple acceptable?  Or is it shoddy?  Or is it a humble, lowly, but wonderfully magnificent place? (Like the manger, a place that FEEDS others.  With Christ in us, the same effect takes place, you know, out in the world.)

 Let us all clean out our "mangers", and line ourselves with the soft, clean, FRESH hay.  A place to receive Jesus, and a place to give others what Jesus gave to us:   His LOVE, and  let's become one with Him to service others.  Amen.

Preparing for the Lord's Coming, too,



  1. I enjoyed reading your blog Marg:)

  2. An examination of conscience I needed . . . thanks! How, pray tell, do you seek Holiness with six kids? I have one(!), and I often find myself overwhelmed and guilty of everything you've listed above (at one point or another). On that, how do you teach these values to your children?

  3. Jessica- Its something that is done throughtout every opportunity throughout the day. Everything we do, we are focusing on HIM. It also comes in littleness. Like small acts of grace a little at a time. St. Teresa was known for quielty trying to keep track of her "small" acts throughout the day, and she was wise in teaching that if all you can do is something small, do somethign small with a LOT of LOVE for God. That certainly goes a long way. I am NOT perfect, and far from it, ont he same road as you. . . . and I have to remind myself daily, "What is my mission, Lord, that you wish me to be stronger for today?" Refresh your mind and soul daily. Almost everyday, I pray with my kids, putting faith-building FIRST. We have to start each day with Him. I have learned that each day you grow in WISDOM, you will know also what else to ask of the LORD. And recently, what made sense to me, is when you pray, do not ask that the circumstance be changed, but how can GOD change you, to glorify HIM IN that circumstance.

    Believe me, I have my days. There are days I want to scream. There are days I actually do. . . And there are days I think "what am I even trying to do this for?!" And then I am reminded of what is pressing so strongly on my heart. Holy Motherhood. Be the change you want to see in your kids. (I cant for some reason remember WHO said that!)

    How I teach my kids. . . . the values. Hmm, a little at a time. I always ask God to reveal to me the opportunities to teach or show them something that indulges in the TRUTH of Faith. We always talk about it. Its never usually absent from our main route throughout the day. We pray alot, at every meal, (and sometimes I am the one who wants THEM to hurry up and finish prayers!, but He reminds me that thier innocence is a blessing from Him, and The Holy Spirit speaks through them. He said, " Unless you have faith like a child, you cannot enter unto the Kingdom" And I think there is a LOT to be learned from them. :) They are truly our blessings, Little, and precious acts we should appreciate more all the time. Lord, Give us the time to learn from our blessings that are before us. ANd reveal to us our faults on such a profound scale, that our childlike innocence in Faith become real and true to us, again, each day, especially as we prepare to recieve your coming this Christmas. Amen. And God Bless! Pray for me; I hope that I help in ways that are lead by the Holy Spirit, always.
