Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Allow God to Take them into the Desert

As I sit here wishing to share my thoughts because it has been a while since I have said much of my own, I am in a state of blankness.  So much going on, being super busy, and just needing to rest in between it all is about all I have right now .... But I know there are morsels of grace I could share.  So I will try, and keep it simple and short.

Today is the Feast of the Beheading of Saint John the Baptist.  What a memorial.  John was the final prophet to introduce Our Lord before He was to made known to us.  His wisdom and holy life of preparation for His coming is an example beyond what can be understood, although we can attempt to understand it. 

John's sole purpose it seems, was to prepare the way for the Lord.  As I think of all the new college-goers, and students coming into the new school year (my kids, and my sister who just went to college last week and got moved in), I can't help but think of how John's endurance to serve the Lord first is also an example we must heed our attention to and continue to practice in faith.  I was talking to my daughter today--- and it's been difficult for her to figure out what she wants to do in life as an adult, in college, etc... I of course, encouraged her to pray and seek the guidance of God in her decisions.  Pretty basic, right?  But as I sit here and put these two things together, I am coming to the purpose of what to write today.  John knew our Lord from the very beginning of his existence, when he jumped in the womb of his mother as the precious sound of Mary's call to Elizabeth.  John also chose a path of self-mortification through his fasting days in the desert on locusts and honey. We are called to do the similar act of self-mortification and fasting as we are molded into people God wishes us to become.  So many temptations rouse our fickleness and distract us from His Plan.  We can get caught up in ourselves so easily, and lose that sight... We focus on our plans, and reward ourselves by working so hard, and forget to credit God for the gifts we receive, and we become engulfed in selfishness.  The Vice of all vices.  The virtue is what we must hold true to, doing the right thing, and continuing to pray, so that we, in a sense, allowing our efforts to do God's Will become our self-mortification. 

John said to make straight the paths for the Lord.  The path must be well lit, (which comes from our faithfulness and prayerful hearts), and we must not lose sight of His Will for us, by prayer, the Sacraments and sacrifice, to remain ON the path, and self-mortification so that we make the paths straight, where Christ can join us in our Journey.  When I say "we", I mean us and our kiddos must learn this lesson, daily. 

John suffered death, a horrible beheading, for his love our Lord and His Will.  He died what we think nowadays a humiliating death, as we are often afraid to be at the mercy of those who persecute us. So we chose to blend in, hiding our Christianity in a way. We hope our kids resist this temptation, and choose to serve the Lord vigilantly.  We all hope our kids will choose this virtuous and holy path, but it is not typically what we see from our kids at first. I struggle with the baffling reality that as my kids are aging, I cannot "read" them so easily.  Its frustrating, and we want the lines of communication to stay open, and we question their motives, their behavior, their path. 

Here is the catch:  But, we must allow God to take them to desert.  For, in the desert, they learn to know Gods Will, and the beginnings of wisdom to know God's Will are being shaped.  Some of them seem to have to be there a long time, where we as parents wonder how much longer before we see the fruit, and the victory over the temptations, trials, and tests.  As mothers, we have to have the kind of faith in them that we want to see them have.   Eventually, they will come back into the fruitful world and know the difference.   Either way, God's Will will come to be made manifest.  All the learning will amount to something God will use to mold our kids.  The desert is a GOOD place to cultivate holiness.  We must remember we are raising Saints first, scholars second. 

May Our Lord and St. John the Baptist be with you and your children in this new school year.

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