Monday, December 29, 2014

Merry Christmas!

Yes,   It's true, that the Christmas a Season lasts until the Baptism of the Lord, liturgically speaking.  It's great to not rush the actual season.  I hope that you all enjoyed your special Christmas.   Ours was definitely full and busy.  It actually went much smoother than previous years, with the exception of the series of unfortunate events the two days before Christmas. I got over that bad luck quickly, so it's not worth writing about! ☺️  (Although you may find it entertaining....)

The one thing I would like to include is a message from a friend of mine, who gave me permission to use her Facebook post just before Christmas... I will have to add this in after I get onto my actual computer, so check back.  The point is: you're frustrated. You are at a breaking point. You're not even close to feeling that Christmas Spirit.... Poor you. Everything's going wrong.... Why? Why? Why!?  Christmas won't ever feel happy and cheery.... Have you ever told yourself that? Felt like a God left you out high and dry at the "most wonderful time of the year"?  Imagine your most frustrating Christmas times or struggles, then keep reading. When my unfortunate events took place, I remembered her.  I wanted to share it before Christmas, but lo, I got too busy.  So I will go back, and say what I wanted to say anyway.  First, here's an awesome message I'd like share from Knights of Truth Media about Christmas:
Take a look!

So, preparing for Christmas usually involves just the surface.  The decorating, the day after "Thanksgiving",  (which Is ironic in a way), the garland the tinsel, the trees, the lights, the red, the blue, the gold, and the silver, the snowmen, need I add the yard blow up things, the wreaths, etc., etc., etc.  Usually, I think' that is at the forefront of many minds when it comes to preparing for Christmas... 

But, I'd like to propose  another way to prepare for this special day. Think of how Our Lady and St. Joseph prepared for Jesus.  The bare basics.  Then right before His birth, they had to hop on the donkey and head all the way to Bethlehem.  How did John the Baptist prepare? He went into the desert and fasted on locusts and honey and prayed before Jesus' ministry officially began.  Both of these events seem an awful lot like the picture of sacrifice to me.... Think about it- Mary and Joseph went from door to door- found no place to be warm and comfortable to receive Jesus,  and so the place of His holy birth was in the lowest state imaginable.  They weren't really "festive" until it was actually happening.... So to speak. And so many of us rush this precious season! The day after--- how many trees do you see on the curb or hear neighbors already put their decor away? Christmas actually lasts 12 days- technically until the Baptism of Christ. So why not enjoy Christmas during Christmas instead of Advent "Coming"? Let's keep Advent a time of waiting as much as you can stand.... Advent is our time to be " preparing" not only on the outside to a point, but spiritually.... 

Be prayerful. Plan well, so you're not overwhelmed. People go bonkers preparing at Christmastime so everything's perfect, and they wrestle with frustration! Let go- we all try to make it perfect for everyone else, but Christ is the only one who makes it perfect. Be at peace. Like a priest said recently in a homliy I heard: "Be peaceful. Don't kill yourself over Christmas. Funerals are no fun at Christmas."  And I know- my great uncles funeral was just this year two days after Christmas. (It wasn't related to stress of the holidays, but either way, it's so sad.)

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

What a Summer and Fall! But Hello Again!

You know how everyone seems to get super busy in the Summer?
Like with friends and family.... weddings... .. reunions..... parties.... etc? 

My cousins and I-- I have since chopped my hair!

Well, I am back, but after a looooong---too long---- break, I suppose.  Between raising 8 kids, and throwing in the excitement from having one with special needs, (which btw he is doing FABULOUS- so it kind -of doesn't count), and one with continued trouble with "moderate Crohns" at age 9, a wedding, and travels, and homeschooling all summer--- ick--- yep.  I was exhausted and could  NOT bring myself to get on the computer when all I really wanted to do was indulge in my own relaxation. ???

It has been quite an eventful Summer and Fall.  For sure! My kids have done very well in this year's XC season, and have since, qualified for the 2014 National XC JUNIOR OLYMPICS.  I thought that it would be super fun to take them (all the way in SC!), but now I am feeling stressed and RUSHED- above all things- with Christmas.  Exactly what I was hoping to avoid.  I like to be honest on my blog, because "normal" people aren't perfect, right?  We have been having some tough spots this season.

My husband recently left his job with a mega- millions kinda' company to start off on his own.... It has been a leap of Faith.  Definitely.  No jokes here.  We are adjusting to some minor changes, but God has been taking care of the bills, at least.  So that is good. 

Sebastian (our son with Down's) has been doing so great!  He is growing up and is amazing.  I will share a video of how lovely his presence is in our life: 
I hope you will enjoy.  It documents his first year right up to before his first bday... (which btw was VERY special.)  :)
So, Nathan, who is my sick 9 year old-- we still have to see an actual remission from him.  He is taking pills, and gone off  steroids,  and gone back on them, to be weaning to the final dosage now.  I have started him on a gluten-free diet, and  hope to see SOMETHING go in to a positive direction. ... planning on adding "Essential Oils", too. . .  At least he is a good sport when it comes to not giving up in his running-- he gets very frustrated with his Crohn's though.  :- /
I have to say. . . no matter the family values, or what you have going on in your family, dealing with a sick child takes a TOLL on you.  On all the members.  This has been my breaking point.  Several times since my last posts, I have been wondering where God is.  Is He listening to me?  Does He even care? Why is this happening to me and nothing seems to change?  TIRING? ABSOLUTELY!
I realize that what if this is St. John of the Cross's "dark night of the soul"?  Uhhhh... Lord? Maybe come back then? That's how I feel.  I know that many struggle with a whole lot of worser things than me.  But it's still a challenge.  Especially since I still homeschool throughout it all.  Do I have to get up in the morning? IS it really past the latest time I can sleep?
I know that there are people who have gone before us and done it.  I read this amazing book, called "QUOTABLE SAINTS"  by Rhonda De Sola Chervin, which gives a lot of encouragement.  But, I am still here, and still on the journey, still hurting and waiting for a drink of cold water and a rest.  Why must the Good Lord push us so? I truly believe in redemptive suffering, for if we are to die with Christ in order to rise again with Him, it must count for something.  We must all walk our own "Little Calvary" in a sense.  You may or may not agree, but our suffering cannot go to waste.  Other words, our prayers are useless as well. 
Here are some of my favorite quotes I have leaned on recently.
"Do something good for someone you like least, today." ~ St. Augustine
"Without work, it is impossible to have fun." ~ St Thomas Aquinas
"He that complains or murmurs is not perfect, nor is he a good Christian." ~ St. John of the Cross
"We should not engage in fruitless or controversial discussions." ~ St. Basil
"Disorder in society is the result of disorder in the family." ~ St. Angela Merici
"Christ made my soul beautiful with the jewels of grace and virtue. I belong to Him whom the angels serve." ~St. Agnes
"Let us learn to cast our hearts into God." ~ St. Bernard
"Anything that does not lead you to God is a hindrance." Root it out and throw it far from you!"
~ Venerable Jose Escriva
"I am concealing Myself [Christ] from you, so that you can discover by yourself what you are without Me." ~ St. Margaret of Cortona
This last one hits me hard every time I feel He left me.  We aren't anything without Our Precious Lord.  But we are so stubborn, aren't we? That we dare to think we can take care of ourselves.  It's a tough one for sure, but we have to know even in our roughest moments, that although it appears He has forsaken us --- even Jesus felt that way, as He cried out on the Cross--- he is only awaiting the moment of Glory-- through us --solely for Himself.  That's hard to accept, especially since we are proud, trying to be humble!
I hear all the time how lovely my kids are.  Its a snapshot, usually. But not one of our regular struggles at home.  I have to laugh in honesty when people compliment us because I know.  I "KNOW" the truth, haha.  It hurts sometimes, but we all have it.  The Truth is available to everyone who accepts it, of course, but we also know our  "truth".  That is where God tests us I believe.  Can we walk away and attempt to continue to change?  Or do we fall into despair and circle around ourselves getting nowhere like a dog who chases his tail?
photo from Wikipedia
I hope that you are all well.  I hope that you can be lifted up to enjoy this Christmas Season.  We all struggle, but PEACE is coming.  Its so close.  We must prepare the Way for The Lord.  Make straight His Paths.  Let's cast our troubles onto Him, and take rest in His Peace.  I know I will have to do the same.  We must strive for holiness.  And that comes from TRYING; He knows our hearts. 
God Bless you.  Check back, as I will have an Advent Post in a few days. 
You can also check out my post on Preparing for the Savior.  You will enjoy it. 
Holy Motherhood! *So let there be children!*: How am I preparing for Jesus' Coming/Christmas?#links
J. M. J.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Feast of Saint Claire of Assisi

St. Claire knew it.  It's all part of our Christian calling, right?  Through the Sacrament of baptism, we die and rise with Christ.  But we must die to ourselves through self-mortification throughout life.  We can certainly choose WHO or WHAT we want to become, or become like.  If we wish to be like Christ, and perfected in the way He is, it requires that dying to self.  Holy cow, is it hard, though.  Certainly.  Do we want to give up sometimes? Yes.  But we must keep going.  He knows our efforts, for sure.  I love the fact that she fought off an army of men with just the Holy Eucharist. That's amazing.  She knew Jesus was the only way. I am thinking of Fr.'s homily yesterday at Mass: He was talking about how Elijah was growing weary and wanted to give up after the fact he knew that Jezebel wanted him dead, and he killed the 400 men in a "standoff" over the false god Baal. Peter also grew anxious in the storm while he was walking on water with Jesus, and began to sink.  So many of life's storms can distract us away from keeping focused on God, and we think we can do it alone without him.  But we can't.  Or at least, we cannot go as far as we could if we kept close to Him.  And, of course, I believe it directly reflects how our joy will be filled in eternity.  (*You can read my last post on my take on overflowing cups.)

My late uncle passed away on this day 21 years ago.  His death was hard on the family at the time, but we all heal a little easier with Our Lord beside us.   I remember my dad today, as today marks his 5th month since parting us.  He can comfort us in those times when we turn to Him.  When I think of my dad's passing, I recall the same thoughts, and for sure, it was the reason we could have Hope.  Uniting that with the cross, truly.  And then we realize what a beautiful thing it truly is to die with Christ.  It's a deeper idea than one would typically think could be.

I think most people tend to be afraid of  "Dying with Christ". . .  but, it can be.  It means giving up a whole lot of US.  There are many Christians in the world, today, suffering for their faith.  Our brothers and sisters in faith in Israel are persecuted.  We must remember how "deep" that bond should go.  We must be wearing our faith OUT LOUD so that others can SEE and HEAR "WHO" we REPRESENT.  Only then, can we find true peace, and change the world over and over through Him. 

I would like to give an update on my life happenings, but will do so in another post.  There is a good reason I have been away from blogging this past summer.  Illness, recovery, wedding, vacation, and fun among other things.  It's that season.  I will post pictures and joys of life in another coming post, and the MARY GARDEN---is gorgeous! 

God bless you all.  Be Loud. 
In Christ!


Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Overflowing Barrel or Teacup of JOY for the Lord


All this week, (It's only Tuesday, I know! But it's been since last week really), I have been talking to my kids about what we have been reading together from THE FAITH EXPLAINED by Leo J. Trese-- Why did God make us?  Why are we here?  Simple question, but lots of room for talk.  Well, I just wanted to explain our latest talk that has been from this week.  We have been talking about how we will experience our JOY in Heaven, and how it depends on how we love God here, on Earth, first.

Yes, if we are lukewarm, we already know from His Word that we cannot attain Heaven.  We cannot merely "think" that "God is cool; Go God!", but 1) not be even baptized 2) Do nothing to grow closer to Him, such as lead a prayer filled life, and think we can have Heaven.  Luke warmness is best described as having one foot in, but purposely keeping one foot out because we cannot live without the world, or the things of the world.  We will respond to the Lord and Heaven as we respond to Him here.  Think about it: Take your relationship with God NOW.  How do you feel about Him NOW? Are you totally on fire for Him? Or are you just kind-of eh about Him?  When we see Him later, after there is no turning back, we will tend to have the same response. 

Think about this for a minute:  How many of you out there LOVE classical, instrumental music?  Are you totally MOVED by it? Or are you kind of waiting for it to end because you aren't "in" to it? If you continue for years to try to appreciate it, perhaps you will find some kind of positive respect for it, and enjoy it more than you first did.  If you continue to change the station as soon as you hear it, with no real care for it, because "it's not for you",  then when you are before the grand Performance, it will not be too enjoyable for you.  This is a very good analogy for how we love God here and now and what will come afterwards. 
We will similarly respond to God when we meet him.  Those of us who truly chose Him throughout our life will have our joy to the full, as He promised. Those who give everything to serve Him will feel a barrelful of joy: they are the ones that classical musical brings tears to their eyes, and some will experience their joy, by a full teacup; they are generally moved by the music.  There is a difference, yes, but we will all have our "cup", no matter the size, full. 

My kids of course, want to have their "cup" be a barrel.  They want to experience God's Presence to the MAX.  I do too!  We must become so in LOVE with Him though.  This is where self-mortification comes into the equation.  Dying to self.  And giving every last item of ourselves and our lives to HIM.  If we hold anything back, perhaps we are choosing a smaller  "cup" for Jesus to fill later.  If we completely empty ourselves out to HIM, and give him a barrel to replace our lives with, we will be receiving that barrel in LOVE in return later.

I really feel like I haven't had a good as this post in a long time.  Thank You, Dear Holy Spirit.  And I pray that the Holy Spirit move these readers to give more of themselves in some way to You, and Your Will.  J.M.J.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Taste of Healthy and a Race Victory

There are so many things to enjoy right now. . . especially health.  LORD, I APPRECIATE THIS TIME OF HEALTH-- it's more than we have seen in months.  Sebastian's doing ok, we aren't "sick", no colds, etc., although Nathan still struggles with his disease.  Overall, we are trucking along.  I am feeling the urge to get into shape for my brothers upcoming wedding.  :-) I have a few goals in mind that I would like to reach by next month!

We are also resuming our regular meal plan, and healthier choice foods.  The summer is approaching fast, the weather is warm, the garden is blooming, and we cant get better than fresh air and play.  We are also trying to avoid any illnesses!  This feels good for a change!  :)

I have so much to share, but not enough time at the moment to go through it all.

Kids have races and track and field meets coming up this week, (SUPER EXCITED MOM HERE!) and we have also resumed our homeschooling lessons from the books.  Kids not so enthused, but hey.  No pain no gain!   Here are some of the pics from the latest race we did.  The kids are doing great; Nathan just wishes he was healthier and physically able to complete at the level he used to, so he isn't doing too many rigorous activities yet.  Keep praying though! They are so appreciated!
Here are our pics-- it was a 5k.  They all beat me.  Even Mary beat me!

Genevieve, age 13

Mary, age 7 (Places first in her age group for 7-8 yr old girls -- Yeah!)

Camille, age 10

Thad, age 12

Nathan, Peter and Momma (after race- they cheered me on at the finish!)

And the Victor of the Day is . . . Mary!
Run Hard, Don't Quit! God counts on us! We chose whether we will be part of His Victory! So,. perhaps this post today is a good reminder for us to keep the Faith! I will be honest, when I was running, (and Mary mentioned this,  too) I kept thinking to myself. . . "Where is the finish?!" It was Mary's very first 5K, so she was thinking the same thing.  But, seriously, though, don't we usually feel the same way on a daily basis when we are out in the field of mothering? I often find myself just exhausted, and anticipate my husband to come through the door and save me.  Haha!  I think, "where is the "finish line" for the day? When is bedtime coming?  I will have to take my own advice.  It's tiring, for sure, but we will be rewarded on that day; and hopefully our husbands and kids will be, too.
Jesus, keep your Mother with us, and may she show us the way to a holy motherhood!  God bless you!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Have Faith, and Remain Strong!

Ain't that the TRUTH!?  *smile*
Thank God for His Mercy and Grace! 
I like to think if this quote after a rough day of mothering.  We have bad days, yes.  We also have days full of JOY. We are His Saints in the making, as long as we remain faithful!
God Bless!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Mary's Funeral Song Choice

The other day, Mary tells me that she wants this specific song to be her funeral song.  I have NO idea other than her thinking of her Grandpa -- (Oompha!)-- of why she would come up with this idea.  It has been a  daily request for the past few days. . .seriously.  But It is sooooo cute and funny!

So, there it is: Mary would like this song for her funeral song. . . someday.  Hah!
I think its funny, because if you are thinking of the fact that in death we are "letting it go" (the earthly life), and such, it kinda' would fit.  I just don't like that this song seems so . . .oh, what's the word? "Inward"?  I have NOT seen this movie, but it seems rebellious in nature to me, just the song, I guess.  I haven't seen the movie to really appreciate the song, so I am judging this based on just this video.   
Today of course, she heard another song that she thought she liked, and asked if I would play that one for her funeral, too.  It cracks me up because she has no concept of the fact that I will MORE THAN LIKELY NOT be here for her funeral.  Oh, out of the mouths of babes. . .
I have another post to put up, but I need to wait until a little later.  Updates on the kids' race this weekend!  We have a victor!  Check back in soon! 
 And remember, PLEASE leave a comment!  It makes blogging so much more fun! :-)

Thursday, June 5, 2014

True Emotions Yeild True Understanding Pave Path to True Love

Tonight I was able to share company with a friend I haven't visited with in quite some time.  Mostly, it was due to illnesses circulating, and since I have to keep my family healthy at all possible, in order to keep Sebastian healthy, it has been what feels forever.  I was so glad to get out and have company with a friend.  It was so nice.

Towards the end of the evening's visit, she was giving me a rundown of her father's condition and current situation.  From illness to cancer, remission, new cancer, and illness and pneumonia, diabetes, and other things, I was beginning to feel quite overwhelmed with it all.  Before, it wouldn't have hit me the way it did tonight.  I experienced something within me--a compassion-- I would not have been able to feel at the level I did had it not been for my dad's suffering and death.  Tears filled my eyes, and my heart raced with emotion.  It was strange to me.  It seems that the suffering of the those in the world, those closest to us, who we cannot help in any way other than to pray our hearts out for, is so overwhelming. We truly have a submission to God's Will that we cannot abandon, especially when we have seen Him work through others in the same situations.  I felt a sincere care and concern come over me.
I realize that once we experience an emotion that we haven't experienced before, God has called us already to a closer step into His Heart.  It becomes the Passion of Our Lord manifest in our lives, and the sorrow of His Mother for all the World, to reconcile with Her Son.  It leads us closer to the ability to love others the way God loves, perhaps.

Once we can feel for a perfect stranger, and I do not mean just feeling pity for an unfortunate person or situation with the attitude of "Oh, that is too bad", we are truly loving one another.  Our heart breaks in unity with Jesus and Holy Trinity for the ones suffering. We begin to know that true sympathy for one another which becomes love. I pray the Holy Spirit help me to understand and learn the deeper meaning of my experience, so that I can love others the way I should.  Its amazing; surreal.  I wish I could take this simple situation and explain better the bigger picture. 

I think that so many of us -- our culture, really has trained us-- to be more self-centered, and do and work for what is for ourselves, and it's rare that we can truly give of ourselves for others, and that means true sympathy, understanding, and love, which comes from deep within.  Yes, there are good people out there too, of course who fulfill the call to true love to others.  I cannot forget to mention that they are absolutely out there, and what a blessing it will be for anyone who comes into their path! But, it seems sporadic among us, sometimes.  I am very grateful  to know several people and families in particular that God has blessed us with in my area that have manifested God's true sympathy and love for my family, and others around us.  I am also thankful God has taken me deep into His Sacred Heart to fully appreciate this glimpse of who I should be from now on.  The experience is priceless.

Oh, Sacred Heart of Jesus, bring me deeper into your Heart, that mine may become more like Yours.

God has been taking me through a journey of, yes, a lifetime in the past 6 1/2 months.  As well as my family as a whole.  I must lean on Him, totally, to get through the changes he places at our doorstep, and those at the doorstep of my heart, which are meant just for me.  It is just so much.  I feel like God is asking me to exit my "old" life and ways of living and what I used to know, and walk with Him into a new version of a life that I somehow became qualified by His Grace for.   It's so humbling.  He indeed handed me a precious baby in a sweet basket (and a child who suffers from a chronic illness), asking me to love as I have never loved before, embrace His calling as I have never before understood how to do, and give my will to Him without resisting and without knowing what's ahead, and completely trusting in His Will instead.  For the last 13 years of my life, I knew exactly what to do; my life was "easy" to say the least.  Things came too easy and could be taken for granted.  Now, I am in an oblivion, with a blindfold, only knowing where to step next if I can keep holding on to The Lord's hand to guide me.  It's an unknown path.  A new path.  A new everything. And all I can do is surrender everything I thought I knew into His hands for safekeeping.  And trust He knows what to do with my heart, and my heart's treasures.  My emotions run like a stream from my heart tonight . . .  in hopes that God blesses them for His Glory, that I might learn a lesson that gives Him joy and glorification.  For all things that are good are for His glory.   I am merely an instrument of His.  A conversion of any size is still a conversion and a victory for Him in Heaven. 

*Please pray for the person's family anonymously mentioned here, as prayers are needed.  Thank you.*



Don't forget to leave your comments!  This is where so much action can take place, and sharing, and all that good stuff!  Leave your comments, please!


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Mary Garden Part 2

Coming along . . . It has truly taken some hard work and labor of love for Our Lady! We have broken ground, and are working on filling in with some topsoil and beautiful flowers!
We have some plants in!  (Here are a few pictures of the work in progress.) We still have much to do.  We were so gracious to receive a pair of apple and pear trees, and a blueberry bush from a friend!  It's awesome to add to the lovely landscaping, it had been a true gift and we cannot wait to plant them!  I am so super excited to get this all completed!  Once our garden is finished and full and growing, and we get our new yard finished, it will be so pleasing to see!  I am hoping to create a very welcoming pathway to our house.  :-)   Take a look at this image of Our Lady, for a moment.  She looks to Heaven.  Just as we as moms should be looking to Heaven in all that we do. She is such a purifying example of what obedience and joy in our vocations should look like.  She gave her "yes", her "fiat" to God from the very beginning.  I love how she is portrayed with such a glow about her.  She radiates the reflection of her Son's glory, as His Holy Mother.  We are so excited to finish this garden for her honor.  Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us mothers, now and forever. Amen!

*Elizabeth Hope and Peter when we went on a nature hike last week*
(Elizabeth is growing up so fast!  Just look at that maturing face! Aw!)

*Peter has a flower for you!*

*Brotherly love, aww!*

*Beautiful rose bush
for our new garden*
*Our Blessed Mother statue in the center of the garden*

I have been reading The Apostolate of Holy Motherhood, and it is truly inspiring!  I will be sharing some of what I have read in future posts. 

Check out this website for some beautiful prayers from Fatima:

My favorite right now that I say often is this one:
My God, I believe, I adore, I trust, and I love thee! I beg pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not trust, and do not love thee.  Amen.

And . . .

O my Jesus, forgive us our sins; save us from the fires of hell;
lead all souls into Heaven, especially those who are in most need of thy mercy


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Sebastian's Update and Other Stuff

Last week Sebastian had a routine kidney ultrasound, and we were hoping for some good news: improvement. He also had a routine check on a specimen to determine the status of his colon, due to the infection he had several weeks ago. Today, I recieved a call from his doctor. I was anxious of course, as I ended up playing phone tag throughout the day before I could get the exact news. His kidney diagnosis: remains the same as before. Oh, it was like my stomach ached, at the news. No improvement that we could see, at least. We will still conitue to pray that his hydronephrosis will not cause any more infections of his urniary tract. His colon status also remains the same, positive for the bad bacteria, that we had hoped to get rid of. So I am contiuning a probiotic in his bottle daily, to help. He isn't complaining and he conitues to play happily, so we aren't going to worry, and we will routinely check him again in two weeks. In the meantime, we wait to hear from the big hospital in our "area" (Sebastian's pediatric GI group) So, please pray away for us, as and when you pray.

State testing is finished! Time to submit them in, and wait for results! The kids hopefully have done well.

We have taken a trip to the library to beat the heat for the day. Elizabeth made me laugh a little when she found this cute little "Farm Animals" board book, (the same one Mary had to check out a million time as a preschooler) and the look on her face was of pure excitement, and true joy. So, I conceded to check it out for her. Round two, I just foresee this book getting checked out again a million more times, haha! You just know how precious and adorable little farm animals are!

I have some food for thought for you. . . On Sunday, in our church's bulletin, Father had made a statement that we can look to animals at times to see how we as humans should behave and treat each other. It was an interesting thought, but it makes sense. It reminds me of the Wolf of Gubbio and how Saint Francis thought to treat and guide the Wolf as to make the townspeople less fearful of him, and actually change their thoughts and ideas about him. (The Wolf). What a concept. This brings me back to the old saying, "Treat others the way you wish to be treated." I have been having a difficult time in trying to reimplement this idea even within the walls of my home considering all the trials and stresses lately, and how much more irritable we have all become. Poor Nathan, especially for him, it is hard since he just wants his old life back, he cant help but to think less about others and more of himself. I pray God help him to see outward of himself during these times. What a way to learn an important lesson, heh? We all need to remember that exact thing. It's so hard to see others when something is happening to or within us. But we all need to try. We all focus inward during times of struggle and trail. Think about Jesus in His precious trials of His Passion and The Cross. Empty out to Him, unite with Him your struggles, instead of pouring them inward to ourselves. Take up your cross in joy! Pray for the Grace!


                                                       paintings of kids with animals :)

Monday, June 2, 2014

The Mary Garden Part 1

Late last night, we got started on our "Mary Garden" that we wanted to plant for almost 2 or 3 years now.  We took a nice ol' trip to the Home Depot, and spent enough on flowers and such, but we had a list.  Did you know that there are actual flowers named for the Blessed Virgin Mother?  Some obvious ones are the rose, and the lilies, of course, but there are others: corn flower, dianthus, marigold, morning glory, spearmint, sage, thyme, zinnia, and many others.  So we attempted to get all the kinds of flowers that we would need.  Whoa- what a shopping trip!  It was quite fun, though, and might I add that a perfectionist shouldn't go to the Home Depot because she may get all these fancy ideas in her head like say, projects.  And if you give a perfectionist a project, well, you know.  (I should write a book similar to Laura Numeroff's If you Give a Mouse a Cookie. . . . haha. "If you put a Perfectionist in a Home Improvement Store")  Anyhow, It was hard occasionally to "stay on task" with the garden being there!

photo from facebook
So, thanks to my husband who is a "car guy", he was able to unstuck a friend's truck that he so graciously got stuck on a boulder near our driveway in an attempt to back in with a load of topsoil.  This gives me a laugh. . . because he REALLY needed my help! 
Yeah, it sort-of looked liked that!   LOL!
Back to the garden. . .
We live literally on a pile of rocks. . . haha--- I just realized our house was "built on the rock", *laugh a little*
It is treacherous trying to dig a garden! Especially with all those rocks in the ground.  We need much more topsoil before we can do anymore, and a huge piece of equipment.  I told my husband it'd be wise to rent something soon, if we are to finish this and have this landscaping project look as nice as it has cost so far!  Right?  So, we (the kids and I) are trying to be patient, as we just want to get in and plant, plant, plant! 
We do have a vegetable and herb garden to plant too.  But one at a time!
Our garden is going to be such a beautiful sight and it's going to smell nice too, once it's completed!  It is to honor Our Lady, of course.  I had to remind my kids that would come out and work and toil with me, that that hard work it takes to prepare the garden so that it can become something beautiful, is the same thing we must do with our lives in order to get to Heaven, and it's true that he is preparing for us a place in Heaven that is B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L! I can only imagine being surrounded by the most beauty anyone could ever want! There's nothing in the world like passing such a botanical arrangement of fragrances!
(See  Tea & cake with the Saints for the book we got the idea from.)
Our Lady deserves to be honored!  We are hoping that she will see to it that our garden blesses her as our Mother!


Friday, May 30, 2014

Boys and Fishy Tails. . . and Bees and Bugs? Oh My!

BOY, BOY, BOY, and another BOY!
A Day in the Life of One of My Boys. . .

So here is my son Peter-Joe, (super eye-licious, I know. . . ) and SO proud of the "Biggestwonever!"   Really.  These are Bass boys, I tell ya.  Thaddaeus (Thad) always looks out for his little siblings, and really enjoys teaching Peter how to fish.  These guys are always ---always---- bringing something home to surprise me with.  IT NEVER ENDS.  It could be a slimy salamander or two, or more. . . Fish, fish, fish:  Recently, Thad scared the bejeebers out of me when he came flying into the house screaming (and my heart jumped like I was expecting an emergency call) "Mom!  I caught like a hundred fish over at the pond!  MOM,  MOM!!  I just caught the monster of the pond!  You gotta come see this!  You gotta see it, hurry, hurry!"  I thought something terrible was happening he was going so crazy (excited), haha!!!  So, I came outside with my husband to see what he had.  It was the "MONSTER".  It was a huge 20-incher.  He sure had a prize.  He returned it to the pond though, like a good boy, but Peter also shares his enthusiasm.  My goodness!  The day or two before, Peter had caught his first big fish and bass.  He was super excited! You can just see the JOY on his little face!  They've told me so many names of fish that they have caught: bluegill, sunfish, carp, pumpkin seed fish. . . it could get long here, probably!  Haha!


These boys just have a fascination with life outdoors.  They keep me "on the reminder" that we should never run out of opportunities to appreciate these moments- even the ones that gross us out completely.  
Like the other day, Nathan decided he was going to be a "Bee Catcher, Agent Specialist #7596". . . That's what he put on his badge that he made himself!  He decided that  he was going to use a net that we had to catch bugs.  And his "lab" as he called it, was no other than his bedroom.  Yes, bedroom.  NO JOKE!  He caught a bee borer (those ginormous bees), a hornet, a honey bee/worker bee, and a bunch of other things I prefer to not know what they are, honestly.  Then he put them all into a ziplock bag (can we like double tape them shut please?!) with some holes in them (so that the bugs can breathe), and then he decided to write a report/facts sheet on bees from the encyclopedia. I was stunned.  I was like, "whuuuu . . . huh?" We homeschool, so this was like a shocker to me.  I wanted to take his face in my hands and kiss him!  Haha!  Why wont he write any other day?  Right? Well, he did.  Now, to just find something else he could be fascinated about enough to write a report on-on Monday. . . (I'm regretting that I don't have a picture of Nathan with his badge.)

Proud big brother!
Thad's 20-inch bass

Boys are pretty fun; they keep it interesting.  They can drive you into circles of crazy, but they keep reminding us how to appreciate God's world, and take a time out to just enjoy life, and not busy ourselves with so much.  I found a favorite quote of mine here:

Me and the real Bas *smiles*

Daddy's Little Girl? Or Just Mommy's Only?

I just read this article that I found quite disturbing in one sense, and encouraging in another.  There was actually a statement in regards to a law that claimed that a man was the enemy of a woman's right to choose. . . unbelievable.  Well, there are pro-life advocates that are men --- yes, men! Woo-hoo!  Please take a moment to read the article from LiveAction.  It's so true.  I agree with the argument, would you? Please leave your comments below!
A photo used in "Lucy," Skillet's song for an aborted daughter
A photo used in “Lucy,” Skillet’s song for an aborted daughter/ live action article
Dear Lord, Please send Your Graces to the women who bear unborn children.  We ask that you will guide the mothers and thus safe their little lives.

The Saints Answer . . .

The Child, the Lord Jesus Christ . . . Word in our flesh, Wisdom in infancy, Power in weakness, and in true Man, the Lord of Majesty.

~Pope St. Leo the Great

You can do nothing with children unless you win their confidence and love by bringing them into touch with yourself, by breaking through all the hindrances that keep them at a distance. We must accommodate ourselves to their tastes, we must make ourselves like them.
~St. John Bosco
Jacob did not cease to be a Saint because he had to attend to his flocks.
~St.  Teresa of Avila

Let us teach the young in the school of the fear of the Lord.

~Pope St. Clement I

Tribulation is a gift from God; one that he especially gives His special friends.
~St. Thomas More

There is no sin nor wrong that gives man such a foretaste of Hell in this life as anger and impatience.
~St. Catherine of Siena
Children should never be taken to church in dress that would not be thought good enough for appearing before company.
~St. John Baptiste de la Salle
The passion of Jesus is a sea of sorrows, but it is also an ocean of love. Ask the Lord to teach you to fish in this ocean. Dive into its depths. No matter how deep you go, you will never reach the bottom.

~St. Paul of the Cross
Peace and union are the most necessary of all things for men who live in common, and nothing serves so well to establish and maintain these as the forbearing charity whereby we put up with one another's defects.

~St. Robert Bellermine (Intercessor for Down's Syndrome)

He who desires anything but God deceives himself, and he who loves anything but God errs miserably.

~St. Philip Neri
Either we must speak as we dress, or dress as we speak. Why do we profess one thing and display another? The tongue talks of chastity, but the whole body reveals impurity.

~St. Jerome 


Thursday, May 29, 2014

You CAN change the world!

Mother Angelica's
Quote of the Day

"I don't care if you're five or one hundred and five, God from all eternity chose you to be where you are, at this time in history to change the world."


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A Tid-bit

Let's be a little more attentive today. . .even just a little. :-)

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Quote of the Day

When we decide that we want to live life God’s way instead of our way, we are going to have to give up our way and trust that God’s way is better. I have often quoted my spiritual director, who has said to me repeatedly that the theme song of those in hell is, “I did it my way.”

~Fr. Larry Richards,
Surrender! The Life Changing Power of Doing God’s Will

Did they see me today or did they see Jesus today?

Go through each thing with Jesus, every encounter you had with a person or on the phone and ask yourself this question, “Did they see me today or did they see Jesus today?” If the answer is that they saw me, then there is still a lot that needs to be repented. People are supposed to be looking and seeing Jesus in my life. So I need to ask if I’m pushing myself, and my ideas, or am I pushing Jesus and His ideas?

Fr. Larry Richards,
Surrender! The Life Changing Power of Doing God’s Will


Monday, May 26, 2014

A Memory

Yesterday was quite a nice day. The weather was beautiful: warm, sunny, and full of summer-to-come sights for the senses! My little church (aka family) spent the afternoon with my mom and siblings for a picnic.  They attended Mass in the morning, then visited my Dad's grave.  Apparently, those in charge of the cemetery removed what we had placed there over the spring (our makeshift headstone, and flowers) and put a fresh coat of dirt over his rocky grave. Now we are going to get a nice headstone that will be there in a place for him and my mom.  We agreed it'd be a good idea to take care of dad and mom altogether so when mom goes it'll be easier on us all, so that's what we are doing  and mom will know what her headstone will be!  Anyhow, I'm getting a little off course for the day.

Even though Memorial Day is for our Armed Forces, we still as the Army of God remember our loved ones. So we remembered Dad. God bless his soul; He is beginning to really be missed.  I had a moment yesterday when I was sitting on the deck with Sebastian ( who never got to personally meet Grandpa) and mom and my sister-in-law were inside eating, and everyone else was across the street at the park playing a seriously competitive game of Frisbee. It was a moment of pure quiet; it was kinda weird. I watched them playing, hearing them laughing from the distance and seeing and hearing faintly my kids and my niece playing on the playground swings and such. In that moment it struck me how bittersweet it was that Dad wasn't able to watch the family with me from the deck.  He'd always steer his scooter down the ramp off the deck and he loved being outside to eat and watch everybody.  But this time, he wasn't with us in person. It was such a nice day for a picnic, and we were all together, except he was gone.

"Hasta la Vista."
I was imagining him in what he would have been doing; what he would've said to Sebastian as he was playing on his mat on the deck.  I wondered what we would've talked about.  Then I had a thought that he would see what I saw and in his heart he'd be so proud of our family.  He'd see the joy in our togetherness and be happy and content.   I hold these thoughts and moments of contemplation in my heart. . .  He was watching from Heaven. I did bring a lemon meringue pie (his favorite!) to honor his choice of taste!

My brother proceeded later that night to have a lovely family meeting.  (It was priceless to be part of this one, as usually it's for my siblings that just live at home) and my brother Joe, is a great leader. He had a beautiful message for us prior to discussing his ideas, and I thank God for him.  It is also tucked inside my heart the scripture and  saint advice that he shared.  It was a personal moment, so I wish not to delve into the topic too much.  We are a very blessed family.

My brother, Stephen Jr., is getting married in July, and I am in the wedding with my sisters and a few of my kids!! It's so exciting. I picked up my dress yesterday during the picnic and my sister and I tried on our dresses together and it was a fun moment.  We talked about how we needed to go tanning, and tone our legs, and all that good-fun sister stuff when you're in a wedding, lol! Then we went for a run together which was refreshing.

To tell you the joy of the day wouldn't quite describe it fully.  But we are thankful. And we enjoyed remembering.  It's different: this life experiencing death of a parent. It's like a hole in your heart where someone once was, and them filling that space but from a different place, than now. We are still healing, but we have always "count[ed] it as joy" ~James 1:2. (In referring to the trials of life).

You have a front-row seat, now Dad, please pray for us!
The family keeps on.
