Coming along . . . It has truly taken some hard work and labor of love for Our Lady! We have broken ground, and are working on filling in with some topsoil and beautiful flowers!
We have some plants in! (Here are a few pictures of the work in progress.) We still have much to do. We were so gracious to receive a pair of apple and pear trees, and a blueberry bush from a friend! It's awesome to add to the lovely landscaping, it had been a true gift and we cannot wait to plant them! I am so super excited to get this all completed! Once our garden is finished and full and growing, and we get our new yard finished, it will be so pleasing to see! I am hoping to create a very welcoming pathway to our house. :-) Take a look at this image of Our Lady, for a moment. She looks to Heaven. Just as we as moms should be looking to Heaven in all that we do. She is such a purifying example of what obedience and joy in our vocations should look like. She gave her "yes", her "fiat" to God from the very beginning. I love how she is portrayed with such a glow about her. She radiates the reflection of her Son's glory, as His Holy Mother. We are so excited to finish this garden for her honor. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us mothers, now and forever. Amen!

*Elizabeth Hope and Peter when we went on a nature hike last week*
(Elizabeth is growing up so fast! Just look at that maturing face! Aw!)
*Peter has a flower for you!*
*Brotherly love, aww!*
*Beautiful rose bush
for our new garden*
*Our Blessed Mother statue in the center of the garden*
I have been reading
The Apostolate of Holy Motherhood, and it is truly inspiring! I will be sharing some of what I have read in future posts.
Check out this website for some beautiful prayers from Fatima:
My favorite right now that I say often is this one:
My God, I believe, I adore, I trust, and I love thee! I beg pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not trust, and do not love thee. Amen.
And . . .
O my Jesus, forgive us our sins; save us from the fires of hell;
lead all souls into Heaven, especially those who are in most need of thy mercy
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