BOY, BOY, BOY, and another BOY! A Day in the Life of One of My Boys. . .
So here is my son Peter-Joe, (super eye-licious, I know. . . ) and SO proud of the "Biggestwonever!" Really. These are Bass boys, I tell ya. Thaddaeus (Thad) always looks out for his little siblings, and really enjoys teaching Peter how to fish. These guys are always ---always---- bringing something home to surprise me with. IT NEVER ENDS. It could be a slimy salamander or two, or more. . . Fish, fish, fish: Recently, Thad scared the bejeebers out of me when he came flying into the house screaming (and my heart jumped like I was expecting an emergency call) "Mom! I caught like a hundred fish over at the pond! MOM, MOM!! I just caught the monster of the pond! You gotta come see this! You gotta see it, hurry, hurry!" I thought something terrible was happening he was going so crazy (excited), haha!!! So, I came outside with my husband to see what he had. It was the "MONSTER". It was a huge 20-incher. He sure had a prize. He returned it to the pond though, like a good boy, but Peter also shares his enthusiasm. My goodness! The day or two before, Peter had caught his first big fish and bass. He was super excited! You can just see the JOY on his little face! They've told me so many names of fish that they have caught: bluegill, sunfish, carp, pumpkin seed fish. . . it could get long here, probably! Haha!
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These boys just have a fascination with life outdoors. They keep me "on the reminder" that we should never run out of opportunities to appreciate these moments- even the ones that gross us out completely.
Like the other day, Nathan decided he was going to be a "Bee Catcher, Agent Specialist #7596". . . That's what he put on his badge that he made himself! He decided that he was going to use a net that we had to catch bugs. And his "lab" as he called it, was no other than his bedroom. Yes, bedroom. NO JOKE! He caught a bee borer (those ginormous bees), a hornet, a honey bee/worker bee, and a bunch of other things I prefer to not know what they are, honestly. Then he put them all into a ziplock bag (can we like double tape them shut please?!) with some holes in them (so that the bugs can breathe), and then he decided to write a report/facts sheet on bees from the encyclopedia. I was stunned. I was like, "whuuuu . . . huh?" We homeschool, so this was like a shocker to me. I wanted to take his face in my hands and kiss him! Haha! Why wont he write any other day? Right? Well, he did. Now, to just find something else he could be fascinated about enough to write a report on-on Monday. . . (I'm regretting that I don't have a picture of Nathan with his badge.)
Proud big brother!
Boys are pretty fun; they keep it interesting. They can drive you into circles of crazy, but they keep reminding us how to appreciate God's world, and take a time out to just enjoy life, and not busy ourselves with so much. I found a favorite quote of mine here:
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Me and the real Bas *smiles* |
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