About Margaret

A few things about myself. . . 

I am a mother of nine, with our eighth a special-needs handsome preciousness with Trisomy 21, aka Down's Syndrome, and a son with severe Crohn's disease.  I could never have imagined God would take me along this road. . . but it is very wonderful, still.  

Cajetan and Mommy at the IHOP in VA Beach 2016
I also never thought I would ever do such a thing before as homeschool.  Homeschooling was for those "saintly" moms.  Ichke.  The very thought, oh, of having those "saintly-like" children. . . Is that what I have to do, is homeschool?!  That was what I eventually began to think.  I also learned there is more to it than that. Hmmm....

I am the oldest of eight children, myself.  My husband, the fifth of six.  So, naturally, it was "natural" to have a large family.  Yes, we get a lot of questions, and a lot of annoying comments.  Some people just don't understand that some people actually want, if not mind, a large family.  We appreciate the mercy God has on us. 

We didn't always agree on a lot, nor did we always do things right.  I guess that is where we can thank God when we look back and see how he has spared us of trouble, by knowing our love for our potential children, He could lead us to Him that way.  Children really are a blessing, when you think about how they- these tiny helpless beings at first-can be the vessel of change God uses.  Amazing isn't it?

I have four girls and five boys.  I gave birth in a Girl-Boy, Girl-Boy, Girl-Boy, Girl-Boy pattern.  My last baby, a boy.  I am very blessed.  Like most moms, I have those days where I am wondering. . . . "Why me, Lord?  I can't manage to keep up on laundry, let alone train up a soul of a child --or eight souls-- (make it nine for the hubby-- a novena anyone?) of faith formation.  But then remember, that is why HE is there, and He left His Holy Spirit  with us.  We can do all things with God.   What an honor to serve Him. 

When you see your little ones' faces, remember God's Mercy.  And pray that He fashion you into the best trainer for his newest soldiers.  We must be ever so close to Him, to do a great job.  Peace and courage of the Lord be yours.