I began this blog as a means to
share the journey of " A Holy Motherhood", to becoming a mother God can use to bring his children to Himself, as we are His helpers. As he said, "Let the children come to me, do not hinder them, for it is the Kingdom of God to whom belongs to such as these."
I found a quote the other day, that I thought was very interesting, and again, very true. Being that we are as moms, the primary teachers of our children, and spouses to our husbands it is so important to be in a state of Grace that God can use us for in this world that needs so much change, conversion, love, and "soulful" remodeling. . . .
Here's that quote,
"If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning."
-Catherine Aird-
(image by David Bowman)

I certainly hope that God will use
me as a good example. . . . Not, I repeat,
NOT a horrible warning. In saying that, I think it's important to be rooted strongly into the Word, and in your Faith. Whether it's Catholicism or a protestant denomination. Any "good" Christian will admit to be on a journey of constant growth, if one is tied to the Lord Jesus in everything she attempts to do. We are all here together. Moms. Moms of grown-ups, (although I have to admit, thankfully I am not there yet), or little preschoolers, or mess-making young'uns, or pre-teen, or teens. I-yi-yi. Regardless of where we are on our journey to Holy Motherhood, we have each other. God gave us friends and relatives to help us-- everywhere. I hope that this blog will help bring more people together, and share stories and comments so that we can come to understand that we aren't alone. God's Guidance be your path's Light. I personally look up to the Blessed Mother of all mothers, Mary. I see her as a prime example we might all want to imitate.
In Christ,
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, the Holiest Family, guide us to Jesus, as we bring all our family to yours. Amen.