Friday, May 30, 2014

Boys and Fishy Tails. . . and Bees and Bugs? Oh My!

BOY, BOY, BOY, and another BOY!
A Day in the Life of One of My Boys. . .

So here is my son Peter-Joe, (super eye-licious, I know. . . ) and SO proud of the "Biggestwonever!"   Really.  These are Bass boys, I tell ya.  Thaddaeus (Thad) always looks out for his little siblings, and really enjoys teaching Peter how to fish.  These guys are always ---always---- bringing something home to surprise me with.  IT NEVER ENDS.  It could be a slimy salamander or two, or more. . . Fish, fish, fish:  Recently, Thad scared the bejeebers out of me when he came flying into the house screaming (and my heart jumped like I was expecting an emergency call) "Mom!  I caught like a hundred fish over at the pond!  MOM,  MOM!!  I just caught the monster of the pond!  You gotta come see this!  You gotta see it, hurry, hurry!"  I thought something terrible was happening he was going so crazy (excited), haha!!!  So, I came outside with my husband to see what he had.  It was the "MONSTER".  It was a huge 20-incher.  He sure had a prize.  He returned it to the pond though, like a good boy, but Peter also shares his enthusiasm.  My goodness!  The day or two before, Peter had caught his first big fish and bass.  He was super excited! You can just see the JOY on his little face!  They've told me so many names of fish that they have caught: bluegill, sunfish, carp, pumpkin seed fish. . . it could get long here, probably!  Haha!


These boys just have a fascination with life outdoors.  They keep me "on the reminder" that we should never run out of opportunities to appreciate these moments- even the ones that gross us out completely.  
Like the other day, Nathan decided he was going to be a "Bee Catcher, Agent Specialist #7596". . . That's what he put on his badge that he made himself!  He decided that  he was going to use a net that we had to catch bugs.  And his "lab" as he called it, was no other than his bedroom.  Yes, bedroom.  NO JOKE!  He caught a bee borer (those ginormous bees), a hornet, a honey bee/worker bee, and a bunch of other things I prefer to not know what they are, honestly.  Then he put them all into a ziplock bag (can we like double tape them shut please?!) with some holes in them (so that the bugs can breathe), and then he decided to write a report/facts sheet on bees from the encyclopedia. I was stunned.  I was like, "whuuuu . . . huh?" We homeschool, so this was like a shocker to me.  I wanted to take his face in my hands and kiss him!  Haha!  Why wont he write any other day?  Right? Well, he did.  Now, to just find something else he could be fascinated about enough to write a report on-on Monday. . . (I'm regretting that I don't have a picture of Nathan with his badge.)

Proud big brother!
Thad's 20-inch bass

Boys are pretty fun; they keep it interesting.  They can drive you into circles of crazy, but they keep reminding us how to appreciate God's world, and take a time out to just enjoy life, and not busy ourselves with so much.  I found a favorite quote of mine here:

Me and the real Bas *smiles*

Daddy's Little Girl? Or Just Mommy's Only?

I just read this article that I found quite disturbing in one sense, and encouraging in another.  There was actually a statement in regards to a law that claimed that a man was the enemy of a woman's right to choose. . . unbelievable.  Well, there are pro-life advocates that are men --- yes, men! Woo-hoo!  Please take a moment to read the article from LiveAction.  It's so true.  I agree with the argument, would you? Please leave your comments below!
A photo used in "Lucy," Skillet's song for an aborted daughter
A photo used in “Lucy,” Skillet’s song for an aborted daughter/ live action article
Dear Lord, Please send Your Graces to the women who bear unborn children.  We ask that you will guide the mothers and thus safe their little lives.

The Saints Answer . . .

The Child, the Lord Jesus Christ . . . Word in our flesh, Wisdom in infancy, Power in weakness, and in true Man, the Lord of Majesty.

~Pope St. Leo the Great

You can do nothing with children unless you win their confidence and love by bringing them into touch with yourself, by breaking through all the hindrances that keep them at a distance. We must accommodate ourselves to their tastes, we must make ourselves like them.
~St. John Bosco
Jacob did not cease to be a Saint because he had to attend to his flocks.
~St.  Teresa of Avila

Let us teach the young in the school of the fear of the Lord.

~Pope St. Clement I

Tribulation is a gift from God; one that he especially gives His special friends.
~St. Thomas More

There is no sin nor wrong that gives man such a foretaste of Hell in this life as anger and impatience.
~St. Catherine of Siena
Children should never be taken to church in dress that would not be thought good enough for appearing before company.
~St. John Baptiste de la Salle
The passion of Jesus is a sea of sorrows, but it is also an ocean of love. Ask the Lord to teach you to fish in this ocean. Dive into its depths. No matter how deep you go, you will never reach the bottom.

~St. Paul of the Cross
Peace and union are the most necessary of all things for men who live in common, and nothing serves so well to establish and maintain these as the forbearing charity whereby we put up with one another's defects.

~St. Robert Bellermine (Intercessor for Down's Syndrome)

He who desires anything but God deceives himself, and he who loves anything but God errs miserably.

~St. Philip Neri
Either we must speak as we dress, or dress as we speak. Why do we profess one thing and display another? The tongue talks of chastity, but the whole body reveals impurity.

~St. Jerome 


Thursday, May 29, 2014

You CAN change the world!

Mother Angelica's
Quote of the Day

"I don't care if you're five or one hundred and five, God from all eternity chose you to be where you are, at this time in history to change the world."


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A Tid-bit

Let's be a little more attentive today. . .even just a little. :-)

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Quote of the Day

When we decide that we want to live life God’s way instead of our way, we are going to have to give up our way and trust that God’s way is better. I have often quoted my spiritual director, who has said to me repeatedly that the theme song of those in hell is, “I did it my way.”

~Fr. Larry Richards,
Surrender! The Life Changing Power of Doing God’s Will

Did they see me today or did they see Jesus today?

Go through each thing with Jesus, every encounter you had with a person or on the phone and ask yourself this question, “Did they see me today or did they see Jesus today?” If the answer is that they saw me, then there is still a lot that needs to be repented. People are supposed to be looking and seeing Jesus in my life. So I need to ask if I’m pushing myself, and my ideas, or am I pushing Jesus and His ideas?

Fr. Larry Richards,
Surrender! The Life Changing Power of Doing God’s Will


Monday, May 26, 2014

A Memory

Yesterday was quite a nice day. The weather was beautiful: warm, sunny, and full of summer-to-come sights for the senses! My little church (aka family) spent the afternoon with my mom and siblings for a picnic.  They attended Mass in the morning, then visited my Dad's grave.  Apparently, those in charge of the cemetery removed what we had placed there over the spring (our makeshift headstone, and flowers) and put a fresh coat of dirt over his rocky grave. Now we are going to get a nice headstone that will be there in a place for him and my mom.  We agreed it'd be a good idea to take care of dad and mom altogether so when mom goes it'll be easier on us all, so that's what we are doing  and mom will know what her headstone will be!  Anyhow, I'm getting a little off course for the day.

Even though Memorial Day is for our Armed Forces, we still as the Army of God remember our loved ones. So we remembered Dad. God bless his soul; He is beginning to really be missed.  I had a moment yesterday when I was sitting on the deck with Sebastian ( who never got to personally meet Grandpa) and mom and my sister-in-law were inside eating, and everyone else was across the street at the park playing a seriously competitive game of Frisbee. It was a moment of pure quiet; it was kinda weird. I watched them playing, hearing them laughing from the distance and seeing and hearing faintly my kids and my niece playing on the playground swings and such. In that moment it struck me how bittersweet it was that Dad wasn't able to watch the family with me from the deck.  He'd always steer his scooter down the ramp off the deck and he loved being outside to eat and watch everybody.  But this time, he wasn't with us in person. It was such a nice day for a picnic, and we were all together, except he was gone.

"Hasta la Vista."
I was imagining him in what he would have been doing; what he would've said to Sebastian as he was playing on his mat on the deck.  I wondered what we would've talked about.  Then I had a thought that he would see what I saw and in his heart he'd be so proud of our family.  He'd see the joy in our togetherness and be happy and content.   I hold these thoughts and moments of contemplation in my heart. . .  He was watching from Heaven. I did bring a lemon meringue pie (his favorite!) to honor his choice of taste!

My brother proceeded later that night to have a lovely family meeting.  (It was priceless to be part of this one, as usually it's for my siblings that just live at home) and my brother Joe, is a great leader. He had a beautiful message for us prior to discussing his ideas, and I thank God for him.  It is also tucked inside my heart the scripture and  saint advice that he shared.  It was a personal moment, so I wish not to delve into the topic too much.  We are a very blessed family.

My brother, Stephen Jr., is getting married in July, and I am in the wedding with my sisters and a few of my kids!! It's so exciting. I picked up my dress yesterday during the picnic and my sister and I tried on our dresses together and it was a fun moment.  We talked about how we needed to go tanning, and tone our legs, and all that good-fun sister stuff when you're in a wedding, lol! Then we went for a run together which was refreshing.

To tell you the joy of the day wouldn't quite describe it fully.  But we are thankful. And we enjoyed remembering.  It's different: this life experiencing death of a parent. It's like a hole in your heart where someone once was, and them filling that space but from a different place, than now. We are still healing, but we have always "count[ed] it as joy" ~James 1:2. (In referring to the trials of life).

You have a front-row seat, now Dad, please pray for us!
The family keeps on.


Saturday, May 24, 2014

baby kitties and a new book

Gracie, our one-year old cat, indeed was pregnant, for today she gave birth to three kittens.  I think she was a little young to become pregnant and have the kittens be healthy, because sadly, the first born kitten was stillborn.  The kids were very concerned, and quite sad about watching and seeing it happen. Gracie continued to deliver two more kittens, both which were apparently healthy, but I think they were slightly premature. We shall see in the days to come how the kittens do, and how well Gracie mothers.  It's quite amazing.  We will have to get her fixed and find homes for these 6 kittens that we have.  They are all so cute, and the kids don't want to part with them.  But, there comes a time. . . . when you cannot have more kittens than kids, haha!

On another note, I am currently reading The Apostolate of Holy Motherhood, and I shall let you know what I think of it as days go on.  It was a sweet gift from a new friend  of mine. 

Friday, May 23, 2014


I am in a testing period, and all I can say, is AMEN!

And to withstand the temptations, pride must be lost to ourselves so we can envelop into a surrender that is Gods.

Keep on keeping on, and keepin' the Faith!  :)

I absolutely LOVE this piece from St. Paul!  We do not raise our children by letter, but by word of mouth, and this is exactly why I love the Catholic church and the Magisterium!  Woo-hoo!
The saints have given such simple advice.  Just soak it in, friends!!  God Bless you all today.


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Love at Home through the Works

St. Gregory was right.  One can notice the peace of Christ where He does in fact dwell.  
We wouldn't do such nice things for people from the heart, if we didn't love them.  Love has to come first.
The Spiritual and Corporal works of Mercy are acts of Love. So let's combine the two ideas here, and see how we might live this quote out.  But let's first take a look at the Works, and the Prayer of Saint Francis:

The Corporal Works of Mercy:
To feed the hungry;
To give drink to the thirsty;
To clothe the naked;
To harbour the harbourless;
To visit the sick;
To ransom the captive;
To bury the dead.

The Spiritual Works of Mercy:
To instruct the ignorant;
To counsel the doubtful;
To admonish sinners;
To bear wrongs patiently;
To forgive offences willingly;
To comfort the afflicted;
To pray for the living and the dead.

Prayer of Saint Francis:

Lord make me
an instrument of your peace
Where there is hatred,
Let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, Joy.
O Divine Master grant that I may
Not so much seek to be consoled
As to console;
To be understood,
As to understand;
To be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned.
And it is in dying that we are
Born to eternal life. 
The prayer of St. Francis is one of my favorites, and one prayer of my soul on a daily basis.  Imagine who we could become if we truly lived by that prayer!
Anyhow, the Works and this prayer go hand-in-hand.  It's a message of self-sacrificing, and love.
So, how can we incorporate better these things into daily living at home with a bunch of kids---I might add---that is our "little church" of the future?
Well. . . prayer, first. Let's start with the simple one here. St. Francis knew it. He lived it. Just simply TRYING is a grace that God has given us.  So, the prayer shows the counter of all despairs is love in some way, shape, or form, that can also cover the Corporal Works of Mercy.
With kids, though, we an try to accomplish this in some of these ways.  Older siblings love acting like mommas and poppas, and that means they like serving little brothers and sisters for fun.  This begins to permeate their natures with Christ-like love.  Most of the Corporal Works have the same idea: caring for one another. So simply it can be.  If a sibling falls down, we can teach the older kids to run to their aid, and help them with a Band-Aid, or some ice, you get the idea. Clothing the naked: Helping with baths, getting towels, washing laundry; simple chores of service for others it becomes! And they can learn to love it through the knowing of good and peace and joy it creates in a situation. When my kids are sick, they help one another with drinks, medicine, comfort items; when it's mom, they like to help keep the little ones quiet, or preoccupied, (even though it might be tv, but, hey).  Burying the dead came after my precious dad passed away. They learned to respect the life of their grandpa, and they pray for him (as we Catholics like to do), and this helps them see that His life is still living on even though through Heaven's realms.  You can be creative with teaching these works through your own experiences.  Peace and joy will abound in your little church with the knowledge of the little ones doing good for the family. The Spiritual Works seem to be simple, although teaching them may be more difficult.  They may be more challenging because they require actions from the heart, and take the practice of the cardinal virtues.  I know its that way here. Constant practice. 
* Instruct the ignorant:  We need to teach the kids to correct each other with fortitude. It's ok to correct someone who may be wrong in their knowledge of the faith.  It's so important that members of the Church are properly instructed.  Remind them that God needs them to help spread His Truth.  Sometimes, you may end up with a future evangelist who has their own talk-show on apologetics, haha!
* Counsel the Doubtful/Admonish the Sinner:  We must know the Promises and Truths of Christ and what the Church teaches on our redemption and salvation to properly counsel.  It also takes fortitude. Teach them things like, "When the Spirit of Truth comes, He will guide you into all Truth."~ John 16:13.  This is encouraging for someone who should counsel, and important for a child to know they are called by God to live out His mission for them.  It is also a promise that will help the discerner to discern. Here's another good one, "Should anyone ask you the reason for this hope of yours, be ever ready to reply." ~ Peter 3:15.  It's important to be able to defend the Truth.  God has chosen them to do it! This goes for admonishing the sinner too.  We must gently caution our brothers and sisters and be a constant witness to Christ, even when we have people we love going the opposite direction.  We must be able to do the admonishing with fortitude as well, because it is important for those who offend God to know what they are doing wrong. This is as simple as having a child recite the reason to another sibling why a certain action is wrong, and to remind their sibling why they should be doing the opposite when they've made a mistake.  Apologetics is a big topic, and to include so much would have to be reserved for another post, sometime down the road. :) Little kids love being in a position to help "correct" a sibling.  They inadvertently begin to notice wrongs, and become aware of their own wrongs.
* Bearing wrongs patiently/forgive offenses willingly: This directly follows the above. Once a child learns his wrongs, he must know how to bear it without losing hope or feeling like a super-unable-to-be-forgiven-child.  Some kids can be so hard on themselves, it is true.  But we can teach them to be patient with themselves, by us being patient with them at the same time.  Think about that the next time you get upset at your child, and I will too, believe me. (Because we all need reminding!!)  This patience will help them to learn that their mistakes aren't the end of the world- or theirs- and that they can rest peacefully in Christ's forgiving mercy.  I have to believe this encourages them to actually try harder, as opposed to give up the next time.   BOY!  Doesn't this look like these Works were meant for mommies AND kids?  They go hand-in-hand! 

* Comforting the afflicted:  This must take the virtue of justice, in a sense, because it requires us to respect the rights of others, and be honest.  to be able to comfort the afflicted, we have to first recognize that the afflicted is loved by God, which means that we have to see them as God sees them.  To give the compassion necessary, we must be moved to realize the same.  This can be hard for those of us who are self-centered, and selfish, and coward or intimidated by outward or inward troubles. How to teach our kids? Teach compassion in such a deep way, that there is no division between the person and his image of God he is created in. That's a hard one.  I know a lot of adults, and myself even, still working on that.  We grow up in a culture that is the exact opposite of what this Work teaches.  Most people would probably agree that in a time of need, they need sympathy and compassion before any temporal assistance. This Work I believe is one that must grow in depth with the age of the child, year by year.  It never expires, for sure.
It's sure a full post, I know.  I would LOVE-LOVE -LOVE your feedback on this one.  We all need help in certain departments, and it takes a mosh-posh of ideas sometimes to find what works for certain people.  Please leave your thoughts, and ideas below.  We all look forward to them.  May God bless you tonight, and your little church, and may you grow to LOVE the ones of the world around you, especially your little family--or your big family! 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Those days when everything moooooves slooooow

It's just one of those days.  Get up late, mosey downstairs, and stay in PJs all day.  Made beef stew for dinner (it was a quick thing to just cut everything up and pop it in the oven), and I'm waiting for the husband to get home, and certain kids to finish their "schoolwork".  It seems the day has been unproductive, really. We did pray this morning, but  I feel too idle.  I am still waiting for Sebastian to make a turn around with this awful cold that he has.  Poor baby. He can't breathe all too well, and he has bronchiolitis, and possibly RSV, and coughing so horribly that he sometimes gags and throws up.  So, yeah, its one of those lazy days.  I suppose we could've done something more with the day, but with Momma still recovering from illness and hanging in there, at least I got OUT OF BED this morning, right? (Big ol' sigh there.) I'm exhausted and in need of a wake-me-up.  Coffee? (photo)
Well, Maybe I can post something to meditate on. . . let me see what I can find. . .

10You have followed my teaching, way of life, purpose, faith, patience, love, endurance, 11persecutions, and sufferings, such as happened to me in Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra, persecutions that I endured. Yet from all these things the Lord delivered me.g 12In fact, all who want to live religiously in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.h 13But wicked people and charlatans will go from bad to worse, deceivers and deceived. 14But you, remain faithful to what you have learned and believed, because you know from whom you learned it,i 15and that from infancy you have known [the] sacred scriptures, which are capable of giving you wisdom for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.j 16* All scripturek is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction, and for training in righteousness,* 17so that one who belongs to God may be competent, equipped for every good work.l  (2 Tim.3:10-17)

This was a very powerful reading to me because of my dad.  I will share about him in a later post. But, it says a lot. 



Monday, May 19, 2014

Our Cross

Dear Saint John-Marie Vianney, Pray for my two boys who suffer today.  I pray only that we have the strength to persevere; not that He take it all away.  Amen.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Polka Dots?

Today we discovered that the possibility of another litter of kittens may be expected.  Oh, maaaan!  (We need to fix these two females we got last year.) 

The last time we discovered that one of cats was pregnant, it was because our little Peter was "investigating" the cat after rubbing her belly.  Apparently, "polka dots" mean that kitties are coming. 


Yep, last year, (when our cat Sassy was pregnant and we didn't know it) Peter was in the yard rubbing her belly, and he shouted to us, "She has polka dots!" Of course, My husband and I are trying to figure out what on earth he was talking about, then realized it after-the-fact, just days before the kittens were born.  What luck.  The "polka dots" where the mother's teets, of course, ready to take care of some baby kitties.  It's become a joke ever since. 

Well, now, the other cat, who is a year old, has "polka dots".  A sure way to know that more kitties are coming.  We noticed after Peter, again, was holding the cat.  He's just too good. He just knows these things!! Haha!

We now have three adult cats, and 4 kittens, and who knows how many more on the way?  Ah!  We have to fix these momma cats, and soon!  But what to do with kittens?  I will be having to figure that one out. . . Anyone want a kitten?  Or two? Or three? Or more?

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Funny moments . . .

Today was a rummage sale day in our town, and Mary just had to spend her gifted $20 that she got in the mail. . . Mary found a prize.  And she got it for $2. What a deal. It's a really cute vintage style cupboard for jewelry.  She is so excited.  Happy Birthday, totally! :)  She has enjoyed her day today, and is ready for cake and ice cream!

Peter, on another hand, is such a funny boy.  That boy makes you laugh 'til you cry.  He's so smart too.  He tells me a lot about Heaven, and how we get there. "So if I wanna go to Heaven, I hafta listen to you, Momma?"  Totally, haha! (This was from a lesson I taught him regarding obedience.  He isn't really misdirected!)

"And is the guy down, down, down really bad? (I nod in acknowledgment, as he is of course, pointing "down"), "I don't want to go there, because I want to go to Heaven like Grandpa "Oompah"! (Oompah is a funny word that Grandpa always used to say, and now it's how the kids are associating with my dad.)  "I want to be with Jesus forever!" He's all happy of course, with his little arms spread way apart to show me how much he wants to be there forever! 

And " He has a big light on His head!" (of course, he said this with expecting me to agree.  I was rather impressed with his idea, to be honest.  :-)

Then, Peter proceeded to tell me that "We want to die, right, so we can go see Jesus!"  (This of course reminded me of St. Therese the Little Flower, as a 5 year old, saying that she wants her mother to die so she can see Jesus.) From the mouths of babes. . .

Oh, too funny.
Mary & Peter, 2013

Friday, May 16, 2014

How many birthday parties?

My Little Mary, who turns 7 tomorrow, asked me yesterday, "Mom, can I have a hamster birthday for my birthday?"  (She's been wanting her own hamster for quite some time.)

"Ummm, I don't think we can do a hamster birthday." (I really don't like any rodents, and I was trying to avoid the hamster talk, haha.)

". . .  And we aren't feeling well; we've been sick with bad colds, and shouldn't have our friends over and get them sick.  Maybe next Saturday we can have the party, but we can have a party with just us on your real birthday."

After a long pause, she says. . . "So does that mean I get two birthdays?!" It made me laugh with the way she said it.  So innocent, and funny.  She did remind me today that there's 1 more day until her "birthday". . .

Thursday, May 15, 2014

"Greatest Romance"

"To fall in love with God is the greatest romance; to seek Him, the greatest adventure; to find Him, the greatest human achievement." ~ St. Augustine

Time to "Time-Out" and rethink our Mission as a MOM.

I was just going through some of my older posts, and this is one of my favorites, (this is just a small part of a post) because it is sooooo terribly--terribly-- important to have these questions on the frontal lobe of our brain, where maybe we can see our mission better.  Since my struggles lately with what God has been asking of me and my family, it has been easy to forget how to stay on track, and to stay 100% committed, at all costs.  If you ever have a time where you feel the same way, know that we all go through it.  We aren't judged by our failures, only that we try to revert back to the Path of Truth, which is Christ. I need a time-out myself; just to take a moment and re-invite Christ's Peace into my heart and family setting.  Remember: Within our homes, which have been given to us moms, is a "little church" itself. These questions are good "food" for thought, if I might add. . . :-)

  • Am I a "Sunday" Catholic/Sunday Christian? Or a "Weekly" Catholic/Christian?
  • Am I able to hold back when in the midst of something that upsets me?
  • Am I  a peacemaker?
  • Am I a lover of Life?  (And Uppercased for this reason : He is the Life, and the Life where it begins is also a chosen will from God).
  • Do I protect life?  (He said the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these-the children, and yes.  It includes the blob of cells He starts with)
  • Am  I completely surrendering ALL to Him?  thoughts?   time?   hurts?   happiness?  Children?  Husband?   family?   Actions?   money?
  • What about kindness?  AmI kind to all?  Or do we prejudge?   To we evaluate the situations of others whether they are in need or not?
  • Do we live out the Corporal Works of Mercy?  (Clothe the naked, feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, etc)
  • Do you tell your family you love them each day?  And show it?
  • Are we a quiet believer, or do we speak the truth when God opens the opportunity?
  • How can I better Love in the World of turmoil, disaster, war, and economic tradgedies?
  • How do we respond to the gender-issue among people?
  • How well do we participate in our Government? (voting, etc, and with our morals in mind)
  • Do I only choose to practice only what makes sense and what I only understand?  Or am I a believer even when I dont understand things still?  Do I have Faith?
  • Do I care for the elderly in my community?
  • What do I do for the YOUTH?  Am I an example of Truth to them to learn from?
  • Do I act as I am part of The Body of Christ?
  • Do I forgive?
  • Am I a vessel that bears fruit?
  • Am I faithful to God's Laws?

My next post will be some creative ideas and ways to work on Corporal /Spiritual Works of Mercy within your individual families. It may take a while before I post.  I am going to be praying about it. If you have any ideas to share, PLEASE DO!!

With that, I want to leave you some "encouragings" from Him, the Words of the Word.

"Be still and know that I am God" ~Psalm 46:10

"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful."  ~John 14: 27

May God bless you, today and always, within His Holy Family.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

There are no words, today

Oh, today I found out that little Ben Sauer, a just 5-year old boy, has died from cancer. He was an identical twin, and his story is heart breaking.  Here is the link to the blog his mother kept, with her thoughts on their family's journey. 

And his mother's blog

And to the news article:

It will make you cry.  I realize that we all have different levels of suffering that God deems appropriate to our own person, and life situation, and for what He allows because of what He needs from us.  But it does seem we don't have it all that bad, when you look at someone else's suffering. But I recently lost my dad, in March, and that was very sad, and hard to watch him go. I have been affected by this story in a way I didn't know I could be. . .   Perhaps that is why this is harder for me now, to take in, because I have experienced the next closest thing to losing a child---my parent.  And since I have two boys that also struggle a little, it seems more real to me, and I cannot help but be affected by this Little Ben that I never met.

That is what is so amazing about life in Christ, though!  We are alllllllll connected, and we feel we are all losing a soldier, together.  We all fight on the same team, and when one is slain, we all feel it.  I ask that you all will pray for this family.  Pray that God's grace and Mercy be with them, and Ben's identical twin brother (for whom this must be so hard), and that they will lift their eyes to heaven with eternal hope and encouragement.  My heart is so heavy tonight.  God Bless you, as you lift the Sauer family up to God's Love.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mommy Brag on Bas :)

My 5 1/2 month old has Down Syndrome, and he is awesome.  I just love this little boy to death! He is the most precious gift I could ever have for an 8th child! xoxoxo to you, Bas!

~ A Few of Mother's Tidbits~

For Religious Catalogue E-blast             
"Prayer creates a disposition of assurance - not that you're going to get every answer that you want - but assurance of God's presence and His love." 
"Patience is adjusting your time to God's time." 
"There's a lot of things that you can do, but you've got to do what God has asked you to do, and stick to it!" 
"Allow people to love you as they must love you, not as you want them to love you. Even God does not love us as we wish Him to. Learning to love is learning to accept love as it comes." 


Monday, May 12, 2014

Life Lessons, Tests, and Asking Him for Help---

To A:

Today I realize I am still overwhelmed with what life I have in my vocation. I cant seem to accomplish enough fast enough, homeschooling has its days, and I'm anxious about my 8-year old son, who is going through a serious procedure for his age, right now.  I have my adorable 5-1/2 month old baby boy Sebastian, with Down's, treating him for a colon infection, and my 8-year old seems to have a chronic ailment. too.  I know many mommas feel like they cant handle one more thing: it's like the JENGA tower we have so much fun building, and playing, except, in life, the anxiety of pulling that make-or-break piece, is a gamble with comfort, lifestyle, you name it.  I feel like I am the tower, (In a way, us mommas are the ones that support all the rest of "those" kiddos and husbands), and if one more piece comes out, I'm going to tumble.  I try to encourage myself, but most moms need support.  We can lean on God for anything, even though we sometimes don't want to. . . because we'd rather try to handle it ourselves. 
We aren't always equipped well enough to train ourselves to turn to God, and its hard sometimes.  Especially in the most turbulent times.  I think of Christ calling Peter out onto the Sea, at this moment.  Peter trusted God, he truly wanted to, but his humanity got the better of him.  The storm is in full force, the boat is rocking violently back and forth, and we scramble not knowing what to do, or how to embrace the unknown of what will happen if things don't change. We are caught in our moments of distress.  I am right now, and I know I am not the only one.
We must remember to cry out to Christ, "Save Me!"  It takes a lot of humility and recognition of who we are as children, to call on the Lord. A lot of times, and I know I do this, too, is forget in the heated moment of anxiety, we must surrender. How hard can that be? But it is. Its very hard sometimes, especially if we have a few weak spots in our rooting. Like a slippery footing, for example. We have a great hold on, but one weak footing that allows us to slip, and try to fend for ourselves, forgetting the One who is there already to reach out and pull us back. "[We] that have such little Faith" in Him, in these times. . . You see how easy it is to get wrapped up in our own battle for control of the situation. Christ does reach out, though. He pulls us out of the pits of fear and death when we call on Him. Some of you will read this, and it will be hard to accept. Mostly because we are so enveloped in our anxiety that we cannot detach ourselves and find it a rational solution to pray, or we feel like prayer will not work. But, this is just like when a child asks and pleads his mother or father for help on some math problem that appears to be beyond our own understanding at the moment, and the child looks hopeful that we can help. And in doing so, by asking, the child realizes he in fact knows what to do, and continues to work at it.  (We may realize we know too, what to do, after-the-fact.) I think we should be like that, like the child. The only difference, is God is invisible to most of us, and we shut the door to asking for help, period. The remedy is BELIEVING He will help us. That makes all the difference. Hard, but its the truth. 
Another aspect of this truth, which I've said before on this blog, is that it's the hardest thing HUMANLY possible to trust completely in God's Will. We must HOPE in His help. I'm definitely a Peter these days.  I want Him to pull me out of this difficulty, and have some kind of "normal and yes, boring" living again.
I had to tell Nathan this for the past couple of months, and perhaps I should truly take to heart my own advice to him: "God is only asking us to suffer this little bit, for right now. . .We can offer it up with Him to save souls.  We have to persevere, so that He can truly use it, and HE MAY BE BUILDING US UP FOR SOMETHING GREATER IN OUR LIFE, through this."
Amen, God help me to continue to persevere! If I could only have a moment within his reach, or within His arms, I would be alright.  Christ be with me, today and forever, and help me through my troubles. 
I hope this finds you encouraged again, too.