We have heard it in Holy Scripture. . . " let your Yes, be yes, and your no be no." How often can we pin a moment in our lives, the country's politics, and family life where we haven't exactly said what we meant? It seems that today, we tend to "imply" that we mean yes, without truly meaning yes, or imply no, when we sort-of mean a no. Others deserve our honesty. How can one truly know how we feel or what we stand for, if we say what we say only to appease others? Can your "yes" or "no" get lost in the journey from your mouth to the other's ears? God wants us to be honest. He wants us to mean well, yes, and meaning well, we should be giving our YES to Him first.
See, I realized today, that so many people are "in the middle"... A sad and discouraging story for our country's health. Facebook, above all, these days, has ways of revealing truths and ways of people when we thought one thing, we discover another. Its is strange. The big issue these days, involve Planned Parenthood and the moral degenerativeness of that organization on society. Some people believe that this organization's "good" services to women outweigh the evil of abortion. Or claim abortions are the last thing they do. . . ???? Say What? They choose to support the "good" and can say that they don't agree with abortion, that shutting down Planned Parenthood would be jeopardizing and risking the Health "Care" of women, and families. If you're reading this blog, I assume you may be like me, in believing this cannot make sense. It doesn't. It is ridiculous. Scripture tells us that our YES should be a YES. And our NO be a NO. One cannot possibly say something like, ". . . well, they are mostly good, so I support them, even though I don't agree with such-and-such. . . " something like this doesn't follow the teaching of Christ that our YES be a YES, or our no being a no. We should be so careful not to be ambiguous, or equivocal on issues such as morals. One would have to assume that issues of morals especially of the common people, have caused our own government to be lead into an "appeasing" mode of conduct when it comes to legislature, and passing laws. How many times have you even witnessed that our leaders can't even honestly define their OWN yeses and nos? It's a terrible facade that most don't see, or even think about it as an epidemic. But it's disastrous.
With being so ever disturbed today, with the issue of the revealing of Planned Parenthood's corruptness, the exposing of sex-abuse trafficking, and the denying of it all by the accused, its amazing that people are still supporting it's "cause" to women's health. In an attempt to stand up for the justice of Christ, we find those, even a believer (or supposed) will go as far to be "offended" and become stale and unmoved to the argument that what is happening deserves a "shut-down". I hate knowing that my tax dollars are paying for my brother's or sister's murder. How can you abolish THAT?! We would be thrown in Jail and arrested and convicted of running from the IRS if we refused. ?? Where is the freedom then?
Our fellow brothers and sisters DESERVE to have our HONESTY. EVEN if it could offend someone. Bigotry? PLEASE. We Christians, We Catholics, -yes you, especially need to be standing up for justice in every way possible. Do not be afraid. If we Catholics are punched down by fear of the enemy, how can anyone else follow? How much "backbone" so we really have? Let your Yes be a YES and YOUR NO be a NO. Scripture tells us that the LUKEWARM will not enter the kingdom of Heaven. THAT is scary. Are you LUKEWARM? Or are you on FIRE with the HOLY SPIRIT? There is a difference. You cannot be lukewarm and behold the Spirit of Truth at the same time. Should we be firm in our Faith, and practice our Faith, LIVE out our Faith, we would not have the political messes we have today. A lack of the SPIRIT'S Strength in us is due to lukewarmness that has overcome us, and caused no strong foundation on which we build. We are shifting on sand. You cannot build a foundation without the ROCK. You get me here?
I pray for the unborn more and more every day it seems. God has given the means to finally fight this out and take back the lives that were lost, spiritually speaking. He has brought it so ever-present to our consciences, and given us the evidence to grip and fight with. What will you do with it? It is time to stop the ambush against unborn human life, with our "yes" to life. And a "no" to the abuses and corruptness of this land, starting with PLANNED PARENTHOOD. There are petitions out there, supporting Planned Parenthood. Will you sign for the support of the supposed "good"? Or stand a STRONG, BRAVE, and FIRM "NO" and crush the source of evil influence which leads to the loss of so many lives. FIGHT the fight with a "YES" to true, honest life. And fight to say NO to the funding for more abortions!!!!! Let life reach its term: Where the hearts of women can heal with the joy of life.
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