Monday, January 3, 2011

A Mom's New Year's Resolution: Trusting In God

           Anyone ever hear this statement of Faith? . . . "Jesus I place all my trust in You."  One that I know that I have professed many times, but today, after talking to my husband when he called on his lunch break, (what a great hubby, you know?)   I think he asked me what my New Year's Resolution was.  Without hesitation, the first thing that came to mind was  , "Trust more in God."  Let Him lead my path. And not worry so much anymore."  I felt a peace in my heart when I said that.  It must be because that is when we can be the closest to Him in a way.  Fear and worry comes from you-know-where.  That is right.  Trust in God almost gives us a kind of eternal bond in itself I think to Heaven.  It is outside our realm of humanity.  I actually recall saying this to my husband also at that moment he asked.  "It is the hardest thing humanly possible [to trust God completely]."  It makes such perfect sense.        
         Because we are human, we are tempted into sin so much in this world, from EVERY aspect.  Think of it:  Satan would rather destroy the immediate nuclear family, than anything else.  Because all fruit is born in a "holy" family.   Mothers are so vulnerable.   We are in charge when the husbands are absent (working, or whatever), and we have a lot on our plate.  ESPECIALLY when we have many children, or souls, rather to look after.   Maybe a special needs child, or a family relationship in need of repair, even, that God chooses us to be the strong one, the leader of the Faith, and the vessel of His Love whom He will work through.  It can be overwhelming at times, no matter what our calling.   A friend related the mothers [of the world] to the Shepards at the scene of the manger in Bethlehem.  We have a flock of our own to keep.  Watching at all times. 
         Trusting in Him can do such a transformation in our own hearts, I believe.  Its a step I think we sometimes miss, when we feel we can spend more time in prayer, or simply trying to "better" ourselves.  I think we can hit a wall if we are doing it without trusting Him first and foremost.  Does that make sense?  This idea was just made clear to me, today actually.  Especially since I shared that I have been feeling numb, lately.  I thank God for Him having mercy enough to reveal His truth in such situations.  It's totally a "duh" moment.  :-p  "How come it didn't click before, this strongly?  heeeeello?" 

May you too, feel strengthened by God's gift of trust.  It's a bond with a divine nature that can move the mountains in our lives.  Including that baggage of sin we so want to be rid of.  (As I referenced before.) 

I wonder, myself, how awesome my days could be, if I trusted God the way He wants me to.  It makes me breathless.  And gives me a new hope. 

Merry Christmas.  Happy New Year!  "Resolve to Solve" this year!  :)

St. Faustina, who shared the message of God's Divine Mercy, pray for us!


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