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Just wow.
It's been a little while since I posted, but after the Women's March of 2017, I have enough to say.
First of all, Trump is the president of the USA. Second, we have the right to protest anything and can do it peacefully. However- however..... the vulgarity of the speeches and the foulness of the language, and the "nastiness" of the remaking of women is anything but peaceful. I have many Christian friends who supported the march. I agree that there were some points that I'd also march for. But there was not a clear cookie cutter woman shape or belief to march by. Segregation and lack of toleration in diversity among the reasons of others to march---was not permissible by the leaders of the march. Spitting on prolife supporters and calling them names and making their cause less voiced, being aggressive in their manner and words is not likely to gain much support of many in the long run. All of this created a distaste for the marching. I told many friends and loved ones that I wish the women representing the march would have chosen a more classy way to speak and show their "love and unity".
I haven't given my opinion on the LGBT 🏳️🌈 issue, (although I believe my stand on Planned Parenthood is clear), Sharia Law and a few others. I want to address this issue, (the first mentioned).
LGBT. I do not condone this lifestyle. But, the truth is: these are still God's children. I feel I must be clear in how we are to love them. We must love them the way we love our siblings. We must live them we love our children. We must love them the way we love our heterosexual friends. We must love them the SAME. We must love them, ultimately, with the love God has for US.
Just because many of them choose a way of life we do not want to see them live, doesn't mean we should be "blocking" them out. Yes, they need protection from bullying. Yes, they should feel safe anywhere. But I also believed those that "come out" don't need some "special attention". They should not feel like they they have to fight for "special rights". It should just be established that they go about living everyday life the way the rest of us do. Protection of Discrimination against them should be no greater or get more attention than protection of discrimination for the rest of us. AND IT SHOULD BE ALLOWED THAT ANY CHURCH WHO WISHES TO HELP A PERSON WILLING TO GET HELP, SHOULD NOT BE IMPLEMENTED IN A CRIMINAL OR ILLEGAL ACT - TO HELP. If persons in this situation wish to avoid further tendencies and want help, they should be encouraged. Not because they should not be gay. But because it is AGAINST God's Laws. Yes, God is merciful. And only He knows the heart of a man or woman living in this situation. But the lack of respect for these persons as children of God has caused this wave of backlash from many in the homosexual community.
Ok, what about gay marriage? Why all the attention NOW? Well I will tell you. There can be no such thing as gay marriage. The first idea of marriage came from God in Genesis when God created them man and woman. Christ showed us the power of a man and woman in Genesis and again in the New Testament. He showed us the sacredness of our bodies when He saved Mary from stoning though Joseph's charity, and Mary Magdalene when she was going to be stoned. She turned away from that lifestyle and was able to use her body in a holy way after Christ's mercy on herself. He tells us in such detail of how a man and woman (who's relationship was created by Him) should keep themselves pure, how can anyone imagine that two of the same sex living in such way would be tolerated or not considered sinful? JESUS reminds us, "Sin no more." That doesn't mean that we can't make mistakes and be hopeful for the future after a seeking of forgiveness. Or that we can't laugh with these people, or have a good time with them. We can always make room to defend them against discrimination, as I've said, but we also don't have to participate in all the things our homosexual friends congregate with, either. Love the sinner, hate the sin. Help them, do not condemn them.

I do not believe in making excuses for their sin. Just like I cannot make excuses for someone who breaks any of the other Commandments. I must still LOVE them with the kind of charitable love Christ expects from me. But, we, as the Church must continue to focus On Christ, and His Laws, in order to help our friends and neighbors. We cannot be haters. We are called to be lovers. And lovers, first, with Christ. In Him then, He can work through us to help others turn away from this path of confusion. Although it may not seem that way to these neighbors of ours living this lifestyle, perhaps their understanding of God and Christ's love for us, will begin to make sense, and HE can lead them back to Himself. I pass not Christ's judgement on anyone. I we, as Christians, can love better, lead better, have stronger convictions, know better our Faith, and take the advice of our elders as we should, perhaps merely by example, we can help lead the ones we find ourselves praying for most, will see that light we profess about. <3
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