Tonight I was able to share company with a friend I haven't visited with in quite some time. Mostly, it was due to illnesses circulating, and since I have to keep my family healthy at all possible, in order to keep Sebastian healthy, it has been what feels forever. I was so glad to get out and have company with a friend. It was so nice.
Towards the end of the evening's visit, she was giving me a rundown of her father's condition and current situation. From illness to cancer, remission, new cancer, and illness and pneumonia, diabetes, and other things, I was beginning to feel quite overwhelmed with it all. Before, it wouldn't have hit me the way it did tonight. I experienced something within me--a compassion-- I would not have been able to feel at the level I did had it not been for my dad's suffering and death. Tears filled my eyes, and my heart raced with emotion. It was strange to me. It seems that the suffering of the those in the world, those closest to us, who we cannot help in any way other than to pray our hearts out for, is so overwhelming. We truly have a submission to God's Will that we cannot abandon, especially when we have seen Him work through others in the same situations. I felt a sincere care and concern come over me.
I realize that once we experience an emotion that we haven't experienced before, God has called us already to a closer step into His Heart. It becomes the Passion of Our Lord manifest in our lives, and the sorrow of His Mother for all the World, to reconcile with Her Son. It leads us closer to the ability to love others the way God loves, perhaps.
Once we can feel for a perfect stranger, and I do not mean just feeling pity for an unfortunate person or situation with the attitude of "Oh, that is too bad", we are truly loving one another. Our heart breaks in unity with Jesus and Holy Trinity for the ones suffering. We begin to know that true sympathy for one another which becomes love. I pray the Holy Spirit help me to understand and learn the deeper meaning of my experience, so that I can love others the way I should. Its amazing; surreal. I wish I could take this simple situation and explain better the bigger picture.
I think that so many of us -- our culture, really has trained us-- to be more self-centered, and do and work for what is for ourselves, and it's rare that we can truly give of ourselves for others, and that means true sympathy, understanding, and love, which comes from deep within. Yes, there are good people out there too, of course who fulfill the call to true love to others. I cannot forget to mention that they are absolutely out there, and what a blessing it will be for anyone who comes into their path! But, it seems sporadic among us, sometimes. I am very grateful to know several people and families in particular that God has blessed us with in my area that have manifested God's true sympathy and love for my family, and others around us. I am also thankful God has taken me deep into His Sacred Heart to fully appreciate this glimpse of who I should be from now on. The experience is priceless.
Oh, Sacred Heart of Jesus, bring me deeper into your Heart, that mine may become more like Yours. |
God has been taking me through a journey of, yes, a lifetime in the past 6 1/2 months. As well as my family as a whole. I must lean on Him, totally, to get through the changes he places at our doorstep, and those at the doorstep of
my heart, which are meant just for
me. It is just so much. I feel like God is asking me to exit my "old" life and ways of living and what I used to know, and walk with Him into a new version of a life that I somehow became qualified by His Grace
for. It's so humbling. He indeed handed me a precious baby in a sweet basket (and a child who suffers from a chronic illness), asking me to love as I have never loved before, embrace His calling as I have never before understood how to do, and give my will to Him without resisting and without knowing what's ahead, and completely trusting in His Will instead. For the last 13 years of my life, I knew exactly what to do; my life was "easy" to say the least. Things came too easy and could be taken for granted. Now, I am in an oblivion, with a blindfold, only knowing where to step next if I can keep holding on to The Lord's hand to guide me. It's an unknown path. A new path. A new everything. And all I can do is surrender everything I
thought I knew into His hands for safekeeping. And trust He knows what to do with my heart, and my heart's treasures. My emotions run like a stream from my heart tonight . . . in hopes that God blesses them for His Glory, that I might learn a lesson that gives Him joy and glorification. For all things that are good are for His glory. I am merely an instrument of His. A conversion of any size is still a conversion and a victory for Him in Heaven.
*Please pray for the person's family anonymously mentioned here, as prayers are needed. Thank you.*
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