Monday, May 16, 2011

You Crazy Homeschooling Mom! Part I

I have recently become overwhlemed myself with my own homeschooling environment.  I thought I would never feel this way, and frankly, I am a little confused about all the feelings I am having.  I am considering a temporary insanity, due to hormonal changes.  (Can't help but laugh a little. . . )

I realized what a laid back, unstrict schedule, day by day outlook I have.  My kids are learning, but I feel I should be doing more and more and more until I have driven myself nuts over the idea.  I need saving from myself!  Definaltely hormonal.  So, I need my dearest friends to encourage me.  The thought of, (and yes, mothers of multiple children I KNOW feel this way sometimes!) adding another child to the family in September, and beginning a first grader and fifth grader in the same year is very much perplexing my ability to think clearly, and making my head spin.  I really feel I am under-educated in this area, so I need friends to pitch in and tell me how it goes!    I realized that too, I am not as creative in this area as I once thought.  I am baffled by the ideas so many other moms have!  How on EARTH do they come up with these ideas?! 

A mom new to the homeschooling realm told me I was like an "expert" in her eyes, and I just had to laugh.   I am so not.  Wellllll, at a moment of concern, I must turn to the Lord, and ask Him to guide me.  I honestly have been freaked out before, (this is only my second year),  and everything has always been ok.  So I really dont know why I am even worried.   Hmmmmm..... moms?  


  1. Please email me! I have a question about your blog! :)

  2. love you margaret, and love this page! you haven't posted for over a year? hope you're doing well, you have a talent for writing :)

    love, erin (your cousin) :)
