Sunday, November 28, 2010

Invoking the Holy Spirit in a time of Anger

So, for anyone like me, who may happen to have something of a temper. . . . This aught to be a good one.   What the HECK do you do when you are sooooooo ANGRY, and you KNOW you should be asking God to help in your present time of need, and like a stubborn child (oh!) you just dont want to, because you WANT to be ANGRY because it just feels so good!?!?  Well. . . .
Over the last couple of days, I have had some issues brewing a little, and today, yep, you guessed it, the teapot hit its siren of a noise. (shakes head).  Yep.  I know that I am not the only one who goes through this, and dont pretend you dont either.  Take a deep breath, and count to. . . . . . . 1, 000?  (that aught to be a long enough time for me, wouldn' t you say?)  sigh. 

I have come to notice that even in a time where I KNOW I am slipping away from my "holi-pad" of safety, or my "holi-bubble", or my holi-"nest", rather. . . giving into the temptations that surround me literally (why did it have to be SUNDAY?)  that time seems to stop.  It's like the cartoons that have the devil on one shoulder, and the sweet, patient, loving angel that does NOT want to get out for revenge, on the other.  WELL.  Ain't that just your luck?   At that moment, I hear the Lord reminding me to SLOOOOOOW down.  (What?  NOW?)  Yes.  He tells me I can choose.  And that He knows if I ask, and take the time to pray for a minute. . . . (just do it, right?)  That I will choose rightly.  BUT, as soon as the Holy Spirit speaks, the Other One comes right at it.  Right?  Telling me NOT to think about it right now, but you can say your sorry later, and just let it out. . . .you know you need to let it out, BBEEEEE angry, and let go.  (crap.  Grrr!)  Here, it comes, "just get what you want out, and do what you want to do-NOW."  ( I hate that temptation!)  Right at the time when I have made things right, and he wants to mess it up again!!!!  How quick we are to let the sabotager RIGHT back in.  I wouldnt dare let someone in my house who would ransack it (um, kids dont count in this one, haha), so why can we sometimes let the one most important thing become jeopardized by letting the SAME destructor IN-time and time again?!!?  Into our SOUL?  I believe the most damage that can happen there, is reflected on the outside. 

Where does the fine line of "Be angry - BUT DO NOT SIN" come into play?  How can you stop yourself from going overboard?  This is one question that I am always trying to get better at.  How do you do it?  Anyone else ever presented with this one?  We are born with Human Hearts.  Not Divine Hearts.   (Bummer, I know).  Soooooo. . . .  Jesus being our Rock, and Salvation, yes, can also be the Conqueror of our circumstance, if we let Him.  Right?  I often in times if frustration and down right ticked-off-ness anger, know I need to Invoke Him through the Power of The Holy Spirit.  Just Yesterday, Father (Catholic  priest) at Church told me to think LESS of me, and More of what I can do for others.  Would not surrendering our circumstance to the Heavenly Father constitute as such also?  Think of the Holy Cross.  And what Christ did, to ending up there.  He never did anything but pray for those who were involved in sinning against Him through ignorance and pride.  These are our most powerful traits too, I think, in times of anger.  We offend by the same means, and because we fail to truly surrender and recognize Him in our time of need, especially when people use the same to offend us.  I really believe that the parallel is there.   

Invoking the Holy Spirit Is so powerful.  I know that.  But I still mess it up.  I really believe that it takes TRUE surrender of all the circumstances to Christ, to get through it, and not fuel the fire more.  Think of it. . . Satan wants us to fuel our own fire, the way he has.  He wants nothing other than for us to rot along side him. Unfortunately, having sinful hearts through  original sin, he has a direct connection to our last nerve.  We need to depend on Coach Christ to help us battle in defense,while still playing the offense line at the same time.  All those who are rooting for us there to help too, are our Guardian angels, and the Saints.  What a team we play for.  We just have to remember at that moment, not to quit.  And "JUST DO IT!" in Christs' Holy Name.  And remember, the One Mother of all time,who roots for us the most, is the Blessed Mother, Mary.  <JMJ>

Blessings- and please pray for all mothers,


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