Monday, December 6, 2010

How am I preparing for Jesus' Coming/Christmas?

Just a "Little SomeONE" to think about. . .

Yesterday at Church, there I heard from the Gospel of St. Matthew.  It was about John the Baptist proclaiming of the coming of Jesus.  Relevant to now, as well, as we prepare for Christmas.

The points I gathered  were along the lines of how John might question us, now days.  How would he  see us and what would he say to us?  As he was so ever zealous of the Lord.   A couple of things come to mind that I  began thinking about.  Are we that call ourselves Followers of Christ upholding His teachings?  That is the big one.  All included would be what follows.

Matthew 3:3    . . . . "For this is he who was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah when he said, "The voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare the way of the LORD, make straight His Paths. . . . "  

Ask yourself these things as you prepare for Christmas.  I am doing the same.  And in that, is your body a temple He can sanctify?  A place He can come right in and work and dwell?  Is His path that leads to your heart straight and just? Ask yourself these things:

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Going on a Date with GOD

So, When was the last time anyone went on a date?  With God? 

I have realized today that I havent spent much "alone" time with Him, without the kids and or hubby around. (Our prayers are usually said together.)  Today I had the wonderful opportunity to leave my kids with a friend (a playdate my kids much deserved), and my sister-in-law, who is the best ever.  So, naturally, I made "the call" to go out with God.  :) 

Things this morning, started off rather. . .  NOT normal.  I have been so off-schedule lately.  I'm talking, as a homeschooling mom, who has been booki-ing all month long, sleeping in until 11am, and eating breakfast for lunch kinda thing.  *sigh*  SO, I was waking up and getting out of bed thanks to  friend who called me this morning.   God was calling me out through her.  :)  My house was a MESS.  Who can function let alone SCHOOL in a messy house?  I was running out of time, and had to choose.  Date with G, or clean house, and postpone Date with G?  Hmm. . . .  I praise the Holy Spirit for prompting me to choose My date with God over a serious OCD opportunity,ha.  Upon leaving my house a mess, and letting the dog inside, I knew I had a disaster coming on later.  hmm.  Oh well, I cannot be late! 

But I made it just a few minutes late to prayer time, aka my date with God.  MUCH needed by the way.  My spirit was dehydrated, and needed a flood of grace and joy.  What a feeling!  Anyone?  Amazing what ONE hour of time with God can do.  REFRESHING.  The best part was getting to talk to my sister in law about what has been on my heart lately, afterwards.  It's like a confirmation, where I can hear God telling me I did the right thing today.  To stop the "everyday" and take a "time-out"  to recuperate in order to go on again. 

Another note:  I was able to go to the Anawim House of Prayer.  SUCH a wonderful, quiet place to pray, and pray in fellowship.  The readings spoke to me, at such a time of need, nonetheless, and I was filled with joy.  What a relief, and liberation.  You know how the bondage feeling feels, right?  UCK.  Yes.  For that to melt away, it is ever so refreshing.  I had many a revelations between last night and today, and thank the Holy Spirit for that.